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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. One option that is being overlooked is to let Saddam go and allow him to get Iraq back to the stable albeit fucking wacky, country it was before the boobs in wonderland invaded the place. I mean now that we know he had no WMD etc there is no reason to hold him. Seeing as George is about as guilty as Saddam is of anything that he is being charged with. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and call it a draw and get the fuck out. Either way it will be a blood bath there for years to come. It is up to Rumsfield et al to decide from whose arteries it flows.

  2. How about idiot mittens, with the string that goes from one mitten to the other through you sleeves so that when you throw a snowball you punch yourself in the face with the other hand.

  3. It always starts with heavy petting. You know you're sitting on the chair swing on the back porch watching the moonlight and the next thing you know your on your knees laying the blocks to Trixie as she howls with delight. "Fuck me fuck me, big boy!!!" It's understandable. I mean..you now..the moonlight the crickets chirping...

  4. Think of the Climbers Board as your mother's living room, and Spray as the rumpus room in the basement with the brown cork walls, burnt orange shag carpet, and black light posters on the ceiling.



    Sounds like my bedroom except you forgot the netcam on the tripod

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