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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. what are you talking about jay? in reference to billy C's interview?


    I believe he is referring to a certain DNC Kool-Aid guzzler named Crux - who just recently proposed putting network executives in prison for an ABC docu-drama written and produced under the protections of the first amendment.



    Post #601332 - written by Crux:

    Now, regarding your news that Senate democrats are talking about pulling Disney's FCC license, that is definitely predictable: I have argued it is a violation of federal law for public sector resources to be allocated for the purpose of dissemination of propaganda for political purposes. The public airwaves thusly abused by Disney/ABC present not only grounds for revocation of the broadcasting license but for criminal prosecution under the provisions of the respective statutes.


    Any modicum of respect I had for the guy evaporated with this paragraph. True colors revealed - and I don't think Crux is alone in his interpretation of what 'free speech' really means. Scary shit if the Dem's take charge. Really.


    Amen brother. The fascists are on the left - listen up TREETOAD, i'm talking to you.




    What left brother, you have no left. That is the whole problem. Your political parties just keep swapping the shovel back and forth while the pit they are going to bury your county in is getting deeper every time.

    Our system is becoming more like that as well. There are no NEW THINKERS out there. Only a bunch of oil execs fucking you and me and our children out of a future. The only difference it seems is that one party just wants to do it slower than the other. Take a look at the link to the documentary on global warming and George bush and tell me it doesn't scare the shit out of you.

  2. BILL ROCKS!! rockband.gif


    George is incapable of speaking that long without displaying to the world what a dribbling idiot he is. Bill on the other hand pretty well explained to that little Goebels wannabe everything that has been obvious to the rest of the world for years. Unfortunately the masterminds behind fascist takeover of your democracy will probably serve up a little terror sauce on your freedom fries just before voting time.

  3. I guess they can all live in the Hummers they bought with the money they saved on mortgage payments.


    Oh, yes we are the people running in the race,

    Buying up the bargains in the old marketplace,

    Another sale on something, we'll buy it while it's hot

    And save a lot of money spending money we don't got

  4. Rummie should really be roasted on a spit in the deserts of Iraq. I wouldn't be surprised if Olbermann's bullet riddled body is found out in the boonies in Texas somewhere. frown.gif

  5. A few questions to ponder.

    what the fuck are you guys talking about???

    Why do they call Portland, PDX.

    Why are the Israelis killing all those kids, and does anyone even care?

    Who runs a more cost efficient war the Israelis or the Hez $/dead kid.

    Whatever happend to Ernest Angley?

    Why is it so fucking hot this year?

    How do you stop your dog from jumping up on people without killing it?

    If your legs bent the other way what would a chair look like?

  6. I was in Bishop, CA, in the pit on a WED night getting ready to head out for ptown the next day. Car packed except for the tent we were sleeping in. Went to bed around 10 or so. The camp sites were silent until about 10:45 or so when 2 cars pulled up and got set up with drinking, drums, guitars, singing, probably about 10 young kids. This went on for about 2 hours. The pit was full, tents all around within 10 feet of ours. I could hear other campers pissed and wisspering in there tent, trying to figure out what to do. So I finaly yelled at the top of my lungs " Shut the fuck up". Well that stired up the nest, all of a sudden, half of the group was "maybe we should be quiet" and the other have was "did some one just tell us to shut the fuck up, let go tent to tent and kick some ass". I could hear the campers in the tents next to our laughing quietly.

    The mood was broken, within the hour they were quiet and pissed off, I could still hear a couple looking to kill us, They could not figure out where it came from.


    So in the morning payback is a bitch.


    My partner and I got up around 5am or so, packed our tent and drove our car over to there tent and put the front of our car right on the door of there tent and layed on the horn for about 30 seconds and split for home.


    Maybe you should have backed up to the tent and run the exhaust in there for an hour or so. That would quiet them down a bit.

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