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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. I have been to mexico, they eat buffet style every day. They all have big swimming pools with bars right in them and the booze is free. They have these brown people that they use for servants and for selling stuff on the beach but they speak mexican so you can't talk to them or anything.

  2. ... And attention spans have gone to hell in the past ten years.


    Have attention spans gone to hell, or have we just learned to focus on attention spans as being a problem?

    I think it's the latter. It's like everyone now saying, Oh, I have a little ADD.



    You are born with a seven second attention span, just enough time to focus on something and decide whether or not something benefits you or not. An example of this is music videos. They are designed with no video segment longer than that so that at least every seven seconds your brain is subjected to another video sequence which you automatically watch. If the segment was to run for much longer you would realize that it is not interesting and would look away, but the advertizers want you to keep looking so they flash on another segment which you watch.

    But of course you already knew this but forgot seven seconds ago. hahaha.gif

  3. That is the question! They can smell popcorn in their sleep. Generally it is best to phone in sick at work and when they have gone to school pop away. Barring that you can always go into your grow op downstairs and flash up the exhaust fans. Or if you are watching tv then flash up a fatty and the smell of pot will cover the popcorn!!

  4. Possum Creole



    1 slightly injured possum

    1 cup mayonnaise

    8 cups pig fat

    2 cups buttermilk

    2 fresh green peppers


    Directions: Slice green peppers and mix ingredients in a large bowl(exclude possum). Cut possum into chunks or thin strips. Mix possum chunks into bowl. Transfer contents of bowl into a casserole dich and bake under 350 degrees for two hours. Remove from oven, let sit for half an hour, and serve.




    Ma always has problems cuttin' chunks out of the slightly injured possum.


    Ya and buttermilk is so gross

  5. pig fat fried popcorn hmmm..

    This is how I make popcorn.

    pour enough canola oil in a pot to cover a kernel of corn.

    drop in about four or five kernels

    Turn heat on high and wait till the kernels start to pop then dump in enough popcorn to cover the bottom of the pot, throw on the lid and give er. As soon as the popping stops take off heat and pour on about a cup of butter adn some parmesan cheese. Find a place to hide on the kids and enjoy

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