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Everything posted by sunyata

  1. Because myself and a few other of my girlfriends felt the same way, there is a solid group of us up here in Bellingham getting out in the backcountry together. We've got some tentative hut trips in B.C. planned this January and February. PM if you want to make your way up here sometime. Girls are so much more fun to ski with! Then we make the mandatory stop for drinking.
  2. I might be up for a mellow day on Sunday Knotzen, shoot me a PM if you need a pawtner..
  3. As of last Thursday the little snow bridge at the top of the couloir to the rock was just about to melt out, I wouldn't be surprised if it's gone by now. Crampons and ice axe are suffice for the route- no screws necessary. The rap rings/stations are all straight forward and obvious. As I was descending the couloir in the dark (climbed E. ridge), I didn't get a good look at alternate options- but from what I experienced, it would be somewhat loose/choss rock in places and not very well protected. Hope that helps!
  4. nice work! do you ever take a day off??!!!!
  5. nice work- 6 times a charm! you need to write a book with all your crazy TR's!!!
  6. thanks for the eye candy- your pics are sweet!
  7. If it were more focused on that (age) instead, some might look at it in a different light. On her website and in the news the focus seems to be a lot on the ADD part , which I think is a bit much. Yes, it's a disability, but to me if someone climbed Everest with actual limiting physical handicaps, the emphasis on that would be more appropriate.
  8. that was a nice personal TR ryanl- thanks!
  9. After I spent a few hours practicing these scenarios with a single rope, I thought about this same thing. Next time I'll try it with half ropes! This is something every climber should practice and know how to do- I feel foolish for not learning sooner, but better late than never!
  10. I bet it was nice to have that this time!
  11. did you take this? where was it taken from?
  12. Guaymas. GO TO GUAYMAS. The BEST Mexican food. I could eat there everyday. I think it's technically Burlington, but I don't know. But the food Veggie burrito with black beans. Yum. Always a good stop on the way back from Erie to the Ham.
  13. Pic taken by Andy on a 4-pitch climb I can't remember the name of. From what I've heard, the only buildings left standing are the ones with the red-tile roofs in the center, and they will most likely turn Phi Phi Island back into a nature reserve. The diving was AWESOME on Bida Ley and Bida Nok, a 30-minute boat ride from Phi Phi.
  14. As far as I know it's free. I will also be showing the pics with and food at my house the following week.
  15. For those in the Ham interested (attachment) We're compiling all our pics and Andy's presenting on our Fall trip to Sichuan and Yunnan provinces.
  16. My abs hurt from laughing so much. Good shit!! The ulitmate slack line set-up was amazing. Thanks Timmy, and Nate for setting it up. After hours party was
  17. I completed the survey a few weeks ago, and I thought they did a nice job with the questions- very comprehensive. I'm really curious to see the results when they're out.
  18. Incredible story. Myself and two other friends were there in November. I met some wonderful Thai people and other tourists, and it's very sad to think that they are probably gone. The Thai livelihood is just totally destroyed (although I hope that in rebuilding they can also find a way to live more sustainably and not have to depend so much on tourism) The right is Ton Sai Bay, I can't remember the other beach. This is what it used to be:
  19. i went up the road last summer and had a bear sneak up on our tent- wasn't really in the mood for that again. the apron parking lot sucked all the campsites were gated i know it's 'off-season' but you wouldn't have known it from saturday, both chief and smoke bluff parking lots were totally full
  20. From Mt. Currie/99 to sloquet the road was open. loooonnnggg though. hot springs were nice- a little shallow though. wasn't really expecting chester the molester and his van though
  21. while up there saturday night we noticed some 'lights' on the apron when it got dark (to the right of snake)- we couldn't tell what the heck it was- glow in the dark slings? ice? aliens climbing at night? we slept in my car in that parking lot, and after a few hours, they went away. the 'lights' never moved, so i know it wasn't climbers with headlamps, and they were spaced out like pro and/or bolts. we just guessed it was the moonlight reflecting on something... anyone?
  22. Comments from those who have attended previous years' shows? I'm thinking about going Tues or Wed if anyone from the Ham wants to carpool... http://www.vimff.org/
  23. I second that on Wendy Thompson hut. A big group of us spent New Year's 2004 out there, and it was really fun. http://www.alpineclubofcanada.ca/facility/thompson.html
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