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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Hardly a backpedal. As I said above. Awesome sends.
  2. Echo that sentiment...absolutely no spray involved...simple statement of what happened in a young guy's climbing ability development... Kevbone, you are an absolute douchebag...don't post in this thread if it bothers you...move on...dick Dude relax. You assume too much. You assume I think spray is bad. Totally the opposite. For me to write "awesome spray" is a total complement. Not a dis....... spray is the reason this site rules. You may not agree, but that is also why this site rules. The link to the older gentlemen is awesome. Along with your son. We may agree to disagree (along with whatever moderator deleted my post) but talking about yourself of other climbers and how amazing they are is spray....and stoke and its awesome. This is not a bad thing like you think it is. Now moderators please remove all of Rudy's and all the other posters who swear and call me names. Hardly what is OK in this forum.
  3. To me runout has nothing to do with "if you might get hurt". It is simply a distance between you and your last piece of pro.
  4. No kidding. That climb is run out. Some of the pitches have no pro at all.
  5. "When was the last time you did something for the first time"?
  6. Love my thread ending comments.
  7. I have a band? When did that happen?
  8. Or hopefully get lucky
  9. kevbone


    But you're terrible at it. I hope you are better at guitar hero.
  10. kevbone


    Not complaining.....just trolling.
  11. kevbone


    So we bash a person and the thread gets locked but we bash an entire nation and off we go into spray land......
  12. Fixed for ya! Its ironic. The more you promote Ron Paul and cheesy guitar butt rock the more I hate both of them. Paco De Lucia and John McLaughlin are cheesy guitar butt rock? Who knew?
  13. How was Tieton? That place is special. Only got one tick stuck in me.
  14. I almost had this experience at Disney Land. God, that place is awful. For you maybe....but its all about the kids.
  15. Whats a low blow? Seriously? Ivan knows me well enough to know what I am talking about. He and I have an understanding.
  16. I will if you agree to spend time with your kids this summer......
  17. Very worth doing....have your head about you. Every pitch was harder than the guide gave IMO.
  18. Fathers day around the corner.
  19. Arent and I climbed a route on Goose Egg Mtn in Teiton that makes the second pitch of YW's look like the most solid granite you have ever seen. Every hold for 60 feet moved. Very scary considering we where 400 off the deck.
  20. I miss climbing all of Young Warriors.
  21. Can I log in with my other avatars and spray here?
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