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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Dems and Reps.....same thing.
  2. Just keep your harness on and use your daisy chain. Then there is no risk.
  3. I agree it is misleading but it is also funny.
  4. In 16 years of climbing at Beacon I have seen the gate locked one time.
  5. Lets just make sure it is clear to anyone who reads it that all corporate press pushes an agenda and narrative... and the narrative of this outlet is clear. "Blame the people who refuse to be flogged - rather than the Romans grinding their necks into the dirt to fund their wars and corruption". The article fails to highlight that shrinking government revenues are a reflection of shrinking personal revenues. I'd also like them to explain this better... "Since the start of the 18-month recession in December 2007" So they are saying the recession ended mid 2009??
  6. So if the healthcare bill is in fact a tax after all (which many of us said it was originally but the administration chortled that it wasn't) - it is now in fact invalid is it not? Taxes must originate in the House of Representatives - NOT the senate. It may seem like a pesky details, but those pesky details are the only things between use and outright Despotism. Government can't just make up the rules as it pleases in order to push through corporate legislation.
  7. If it is provided by the government it is not free.
  8. When has socialism not worked?
  9. It works here.....why not everywhere?
  10. Bro - didn't you throw out your logic long ago? It was a joke.
  11. I thought it was harder than 5.9.
  12. This is getting good. Should I throw out my logic to disrupt thing?
  13. Agreed. I read no arrogance this this TR. Glad to know you guys are not dead. Getting lost in the mountains can be scary.
  14. How are we looking for opening date? July 14th or 15th? Anyone know? Thanks!
  15. I am not a Fox new watcher. I think they are pathetic. The only reason I like Ron Paul is for is foreign policy. He is the only candidate who openly talks about our spending. Obama just turned our county in a fascist state by signing the NDAA law into law. How can you respectfully support such an act? Please tell me because I would like someone to defend this? See if you can. If not then who will you be voting for. You guys make it out to be black and white. Like either i love Obama or hate him. Why cant I like just some of his policy's? Same for Ron Paul.
  16. Written by a friend of mine. Since I am a simpleton I will just pass it along. Here is my problem with the 'healthcare bill' as it is. Right now (as my recent visit to the hospital's resulting bill indicated) prices at hospitals are completely out of control. The reason for this as far as I can tell are largely because all of the players involved know that money will come to pay for it. Forcing insurance on everyone only makes this problem worse. The only way to drive down the price of a thing is to reduce its demand and to increase its supply. Instead we are subsidizing the American overuse of medical assistance, and as a result we will get more of it as newly insured people try to 'get their money's worth' out of their new insurance. I NEVER visit hospitals, but I am not being told that I have to pay about 8% of my income to medical care or the IRS will start banging on my door. Small employers like my father are holding off hiring new people out of fear of the added expense. Insurance companies are winning. Corporate hospitals are winning. Pharma companies are winning. This is not healthcare reform, this is a VERY large new tax with disproportionate returns. Sure we will hear 'stories' about how it helped some people, but we won't hear the stories of the families who were right on the edge being nudged down into the poverty bracket and forced onto govt assistance because of this.
  17. Yeah, the DIFFERENCE is efficacy. Efficacy in health insurance is not much different than with vaccines - you have to hit the largest percentage of the population possible to really be effective. When large numbers of people opt-out they aren't just screwing themselves, they're screwing everyone. And that's the reason for the mandate, we need to have every single citizen in the pool; how that's best accomplished can be debated, letting people opt-out without relatively severe penalties can't be allowed under any circumstance. Again, as far as I'm concerned trying to weave this universal fabric over our entirely corrupt, for-profit, million-payers system of insurers / [large] providers is an entirely sub-optimal hack which leaves the system as corrupt as it was beforehand and achieves no benefits of scale. It's the reason why you can opt-out of public education by sending your kid to private schools, but you're still going to be paying for public schools. Blah blah blah. Its not the governments job to tell us we have to buy a product and if we dont you get taxed.
  18. Sure you do. You can still drop it. And pay a tax penalty. I pay a tax penalty because I dropped my mortgage. Same diff. Its not the same difference. You are not required to buy a house. You will be required to buy med insurance. HUGE DIFFERENCE.
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