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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Please tell me which things they are more efficient at. Be specific. Police & fire departments, for example. National defense. You're confusing, kevbone. On the one hand you say you want the government to provide health care, but on the other hand you act like you think the government is too big and spout all this Ron Paul rhetoric, like closing the FDA and the EPA. One of these is not like the other, you know. It's really fucking annoying, it's like you don't even understand your own positions. Why the personal attacks?
  2. You only get to "choose" not to have health care, if the rest of us get to "choose" to let you die in the street like a rat. BS. Who dies in the street like a rat? Hyperbole does not make your argument, it just makes your argument stupid. Do you think that fellow who got his face chewed off was insured? Did he die like a rat? No, he was treated and is being treated and will undergo multiple surgeries. There are many valid arguments about what is wrong with our current health care system; your comment is not one of them. That's the whole point. As a society we aren't willing to let the uninsured NOT receive medical treatment if they need it. Which is why Kevbones "choice" not to be a healthcare consumer is an invalid one. Even if he doesn't want healthcare, the rest of us have decided he's going to get it if he needs it. Let me be clear. I pay for health care. I have because I need it. But if I wanted to....I could drop it. After 2014 I will not have the choice anymore.
  3. Just as fake an argument. Agreed. I never implied that Govt. was necessarily more efficient at everything, but it certainly is at some things. Please tell me which things they are more efficient at. Be specific.
  4. You only get to "choose" not to have health care, if the rest of us get to "choose" to let you die in the street like a rat. Since the rest of us aren't willing to make choice (thank god), then you ARE going to consume health care whether you want to or not, and whether you can afford to pay or not. If you are willing to make that choice then maybe civilized society isn't the best place for you. Health care is not a right or a privilege. It is a necessity. it is something that we all will use at some point in our lives. I agree with nate that it should be given to the public just like police and fire fighters. It comes out of our taxes just like the others. And people choose to not have health car all the time....most of these people are young and think they are immune to injury. Or they just cant afford it. If they wanted to raise my taxes by $3000 a year and have socialistic hospitals (like police and fire) then I would be all for it. Unfortunately capitalism gets in the way.
  5. Bingo.....basically if you dont buy a product the government can tax you. What if they said you have to buy life insurance or take it a step further....buy a climbing rope or a bottle of water...and if you dont you get taxed and if you dont pay your tax you go to jail. Its a slippery slope.
  6. If I choose to not work it save for that life style......unlike alot of dirtbags that I know. Big difference. And by the way...I am for single payer health care. The only part of this law I dont like is this tax/mandate.
  7. Right! You want to get stuff for free! TANSTAAFL, boner Check out the bold print.
  8. Once again what does this have to do with this topic? Of course I will and do see doctors. I also have health care through my work which I pay for. If I choose not to work and not have health care the government would tax me for it. That is the part I dont agree with.
  9. Dems want health care....costs 10 billion over 10 years. Reps want war (so do dems)....costs 10 billion every couple of months. Either way bankruptcy is in our future. go Obama or Romney!!!!
  10. Now THAT is Capitalism at is best.
  11. Thats capitalism at its best.
  12. What does this have to do with anything. I am for health care, but not in favor of the tax if you dont.
  13. You dont get taxed if you dont own a car.
  14. It is unconstitutional no matter what the supreme court says. Forcing the public to buy a product then taxing (penalty) them if they don't is pure fascism plain and simple. I am for health care but not this way. And no I dont have all the answers because I am a simpleton
  15. kevbone

    CC History

    I agree. Too bad I am way smarter than the average poster.
  16. Dawg......who gets to justify these rare placements? I have established about 15 climbs in my time (all have at least one bolt) and "justified" each one. Of course I learned a valuable lesson in the process. You cannot please everyone. I disagree with you but have much respect for your opinion. Cheers.....
  17. What is the first climb you are planning to climb on your first day out after it opens. Me....most likely Young Warriors.
  18. that might be true, but kkk actually has a grasp on reality and ur on the obama plan... nuff said mister Obama and Romney have the same plan.
  19. So what are you saying? You can view it but no one else can? Thanks!
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