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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. I think the Beacon climbing community has been hit the hardest. They dont close the rock to everyone....only the climbers. And since the climbers are out numbered 100 to 1 it is a little hard to swallow. So if anyone questions why the Beacon climbing community is always pissed off it is because of this reason.
  2. But seriously your argument is valid. There are a pair of peregrine falcons nesting on top of the Fremont Bridge in downtown Portland. You don't see them closing the bridge do you?
  3. Its not just for the birds. The East face of Beacon is closed indefinitely to protect moss.
  4. So are the Rolling Stones.
  5. The reviews look good. I haven't bought an album sight-unseen since Kiss released Love Gun. Maybe I'll do something "crazy" today! Do it and turn it up.
  6. Very fun to spend it with 40 of our best beacon rock friends drinking beer celebrating Jim. Even Brad was there.......
  7. I feel the same way about Obama.
  8. I dont like the idea of the government bailing out a company because it made bad business decisions. At any level. That means they took from me and my children and my children s children to pay for bad decisions making. If by "let it burn" you mean to let it fail.....yes, let it fail. Its called capitalism and when it works it works. Let the market decide. I dont like the government make the decisions on winners and losers. How does the fact of the bail-out money being paid back to our government, with the addition of $billions in profit to us for the favor, mean that money has been taken from your children? How does the survival and subsequent prosperity of American industries, and the consequentially gainful employment of hundreds of thousands of Americans, mean that our government has chosen who of us will be winners and losers? I think the answers are self evident: Nobody took anything from you, nor from any freeloading whining sack who really doesn't produce anything but a dent on the living room couch. And no government decided whether or not you are a winner or a loser. It's been your choice. Are you trying to sell me that ALL of the bail outs have been paid back? Bush era as well? I have a bridge to sell you.
  9. I dont like the idea of the government bailing out a company because it made bad business decisions. At any level. That means they took from me and my children and my children s children to pay for bad decisions making. If by "let it burn" you mean to let it fail.....yes, let it fail. Its called capitalism and when it works it works. Let the market decide. I dont like the government make the decisions on winners and losers. Nobody is talking about bailing out the people who made bad decisions. Most businesses had nothing to do with the housing bubble collapse and the rampant speculation that created the current conditions. Neither did the communities and individuals that sustained these businesses through infrastructure and labor. People who lose their jobs due to outsourcing have little to do with the decisions made in Washington to allow unfair trade. The great free market in the sky is an illusion. Government has always intervened in the economy and likely always will, which is a good thing since we also want to decide what kind of society we live in. So who are you going to vote for?
  10. I think it is there best album. I know that is a big statement but Eddie's playing on the album is what we want him to play. Heavy, bold and super fast. Wolfgang (I have to admit) is an amazing bass player. He weaves in and out of the songs.....Daves lyrics and antics are unmatched. Alex....what can i say about his drumming? Amazing as usual. This album is so far from what I expected. I cant get enough of it.
  11. "If you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much space".....Jim
  12. I dont like the idea of the government bailing out a company because it made bad business decisions. At any level. That means they took from me and my children and my children s children to pay for bad decisions making. If by "let it burn" you mean to let it fail.....yes, let it fail. Its called capitalism and when it works it works. Let the market decide. I dont like the government make the decisions on winners and losers.
  13. Check out the new Van Halen. Probably there best album.
  14. I can see why you'd vote for Paul--IN THE GOP PRIMARY--but not for the reason you give. Sheesh! What impeccable logic. What reason am I giving?
  15. Really.....bringing ALL the troops home is not different?
  16. I hear you. But I also think it is complete nonsense to continue to vote for the same establishment thinking you are going to get a different result. Unless you like where we are at currently. I am willing to try something completely different. Dont hate me for it.
  17. Are you saying there is no difference between the far right and the center right? Are Democrats trying to send government services back to the 19th century? Are Democrats anti-science? Are Democrats declaring war on public mass transit? Do you read about white supremacists holding seminars at Democratic party conferences? etc Beware of throwing the baby out with the bath water. I am not saying any of that. What I am saying is the difference between both parties has greatly reduced over the last couple of decades. They both talk a big talk but at the end of the day there voting records show who they are. Big war, bail outs and big government spending can be seen on both sides. Ron Paul!
  18. Divide and conquer. That is the new recipe for disaster in the US. Get people to think there is a difference between a Republican and a Democrat. Then make them argue about it until they are blue in the face. Obama and Romney's politics are very similar. Dont be fooled by the color of the party. Its all bullshit.
  19. All fixed for you. And I agree that both are out of touch.....good thing Ron Paul is only running as a republican but we all know he is not one.
  20. So most people don't actually summit Rainier?
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