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Everything posted by Kimmo

  1. Kimmo

    Single Malt Scotch

    i don't think it was the peat smoke exclusively that turned me off laphroaig; it seemed it was the fact that there was seemingly nothing besides/beyond the peat smoke. just strong alcohol. it was their 10 year/cheapest stuff....maybe the 15 year or older would be different? i'll give your recommendation a try.
  2. i guess we'll just keep enjoying our "assumption" then.
  3. Kimmo

    Single Malt Scotch

    actually, i'll want it to celebrate my survival.
  4. Kimmo

    Single Malt Scotch

    so after having sampled some scotch over the years, i never understood how people could choke the stuff down. i thought it to be another humanoid affectation, like tattoos or fetish amputations. laphroaig 10 year comes to mind: ummmm i'll take the hickory smoke flavor for 3.99 a bottle at fred meyers thank you. but then a friend gave me some glenlivet 12 yr, and it made sense. i could actually ENJOY this crap, cuz there were flavors to pick out, like flowers and fruit and stuff. neat! so i'm looking for other recommendations. what are the scotch drinker's favorites, and, importantly, why? what are the reasons and flavors and etc that makes ya want this one?
  5. plus, it's not about "this side" or "the other side"; we are trying to remove this type of thinking completely.
  6. Yup. STFU, boner mebbe it's the glass of cotes du rhone with lunch, but this shit just busts me up.
  7. i could be wrong, but i do doubt that his ramblings were a business decision. all bets are off as to whether or not they currently are. i'm not a big fan, nor was i ever (but boy did he blow my little country boy mind when i first saw him with black flag in the early '80's).
  8. firstly, when in his life did he say these words? secondly, anyone who makes a little money is disqualified from speaking about privations? hmmmm, i'm not sure i follow this logic. having said that, i used to share your "sensibilities", if i may assume that i understand them.
  9. that's a lotta assumptioning goin on there, pardner.
  10. How profound. Some well-to-do hipster speaking to the same. just cuz he "made" it doesn't disqualify what he says. you don't know him, and neither do i. i don't know if he practices what he preaches, but those aren't really his words per se, they are old words that might bring something to anyone who literally practices them.
  11. Kimmo


    it was a joke, maaaaaan, and i thought it was funny. in fact, i'm still chuckling. hahahahaaahaaa.
  12. Kimmo

    never rob a ninja

    Having met him several times, I have complete explicit trust in Guglielmi's account.
  13. Kimmo


    Because driving a truck isn't the same as driving a couch.
  14. Kimmo

    never rob a ninja

    the nomics? sounds scary. makes sense, but seems we don't know that's what happened in this case. but if we knew exactly, we all couldn't play in our arm-chairs.
  15. Kimmo

    never rob a ninja

    round up the posse: we got some killin' to do!
  16. Kimmo

    never rob a ninja

    I think the question is "what would prole do?" he's offered a fair critique of how things played out, but i haven't heard what he'd do in a similar situation. i can personally say i wouldn't feel good about offing a fellow human being who obviously was in chronic distress, especially over a few possessions of mine. if i did, what had i sunk to? nothing i could feel good about.
  17. it's true that the crag is hardly "secret" anymore, but it's not being advertised because of sensitive access issues. the approach crosses private land, and the owner could put the kibosh on the whole thing at any time. we are trying to work with him, and hopefully something comes of that. it's not all that anyways; i just like to spray. it's a long walk after a pretty long drive, and there aren't that many routes up there. a couple of 11's, a few 12's and 13's, and 2 harder projects that keep me obsessed.
  18. until the whole damn thing crashes down on the unlucky fucker who happens to be there. the best crag in wa is a secret, and only 1.5 hours from seattle.
  19. Kimmo

    Poll on metal

    i have NO idea what you are talking about.
  20. just tellim you love him.
  21. fairyweather and kkk, why do you guys get so upset when people use the "n" word? is it because yall's think it denigrates the black folk?
  22. oh my god, we love you tvash!
  23. Kimmo

    Poll on metal

  24. hover flies! shit! (see how good they are at foolin' ya?)
  25. Because you're too much of a moron to get the point that was made, perhaps? i'd suggest it's the other way around, but photographing bees seems to be your forte, not logical discourse, so what can be expected?
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