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Everything posted by johnson

  1. for those that want to give it a shot soon. I was apart of the other party. We crossed at the top end of Jolanda lake. There are two huge cairns that mark where we found a safe place to cross. And I will agree with the others, the approach is pretty slow going due to the lack of snow. Beautiful day and beautiful area. Can't wait to go back.
  2. I've climbed many days in Josh in Jan and Feb.
  3. Wow!! Great trip and great TR!!
  4. Sweet TR! Thanks Blake.
  5. i used to work for a boys behavioral school. frequently, we would get these kids from an outward bound program. in my experience, outward bound programs make good progress with the kids BUT, the program is too short. Many times, the kid would just go back home, be good for a short time, and then finally go back to doing bad shit. this kid may need to go to a more long term facility.
  6. Rudy - I would pick the Tuolomne area. Plenty of good hard cragging and some very gentle backcountry ventures as well to mix it up a bit. Bishop is a bit hot but Mammoth isn't. So much to do!
  7. I'll buy a two or three.
  8. There is a place at Big Bear called Castle Rock that has some fun easy to moderate climbs that can be lead or toproped. Also, Mt. Rubidoux has lots of fun bouldering but lots to toprope as well. Have fun!! I miss the climbing but I don't miss anything else about so cal.
  9. Nice pics esugi. I was apart of the team coming up behind you. Great day!!
  10. johnson

    old gear

    i have a bunch of old hexes and such that i never use. pm me if you want
  11. Well...I'm hoping we can all put this to bed. I've read enough. I've apologized and stated what I've learned and how I hope to limit these problems in the future. I haven't heard back from Alpinfox but I do hope that he and his crew accepts my apology. I guess if you choose to call me names or perhaps tell me that my dog has no business being at a crag leashed or not leashed then that's your choice and reaction to the situation. I am responsible for both my dog's and my actions and I know that. I know that I've crossed paths with many of you over the weekends and years. I try to get out every weekend if possible and many times my dog has been by my side. I've taken him craggin in Indian Creek, Squamish, Leavenworth, Tieton, Vantage and more. We've always had good relations and times with people until now (leashed and unleashed). Will I still take him? The answer is yes. Please do not throw rocks at him but feel free to call me all the names you like (to my face Rudy and not via internet). I'm out.
  12. WOW!! Good job Rudy, you've resorted to calling me a name.
  13. Like I wrote before, I'll leash him in the populated areas from now on when i can't be around him. He has never nipped at anyone ever before so i don't know what was going on with that. Usually he sits by my pack and makes tons of friends. My buddy's barking puppy may not have helped the situation and we do need to get her bark under control (I completely agree -nothing like leading Princely with a barking dog in the background -it sucks). I tried to talk to you guys as I was up at the chains on top of pitch 1. All I saw and heard was the two dogs barking, people running, panic, and someone yelling "leash your fucking dog." So... my apologies to Emily and your crew. We rapped down quickly because I was very concerned and yes Mack was leashed on our next climb. I'd like to encourage people to remain calm around strange dogs even if they are barking or growling. Panic usually makes the situation worse.
  14. Hey Alpinfox - glad you didn't smash Mack's head in. He's a good dog that was completely friendly to your friend later in the day. Don't know what happened during that one instance. He's not agressive. Your friend said he growled but said nothing of nipping. Anyways...glad you didn't smash his head in cause I would have done the same to you. I'll keep him on a leash in more populated areas from now on. Usually he stays by my pack and picks up hotties as he sees them. Ladies love Mack.
  15. Cat in the Hat is another fun easy one to do at Red Rocks. On the other side of it is Dark Shadows which is a bit harder but definitely one you should try as well. Olive Oil too. Yep, Red Rocks would be a good decision.
  16. i did the Mathes Crest as well this summer. good times. nice TR
  17. I fish a lot. If you want to pm me, i'll gladly share some info
  18. your welcome. climbed the route back in February and didn't have my nut tool on my harness. the route was soaked and the topout was deep snow and not fun. I tried and I tried but with no nut tool, they weren't budging. I've collected TONS of booty stoppers over the years. Gave two to my buddy for being irresponsible about not bringing a tool - no biggie. I thought the route would get climbed sooner than what it did. Wow, it took 3 months before it got climbed again. enjoy the booty.
  19. I was at Gib Wall today. Plastic ice. Bouldered around. Didn't rope up as the snow continued to dump on us. We got out of there.
  20. Hey Jason - we did Hubba Hubba about 2 weeks ago. It was a bit thin but do-able for sure. Watch for avi danger.
  21. The slow party (let me clarify who I'm writing about - not your group Eric B - although you were incredibly slow as well) should thank Samco. He talked me out of beating the shit out of the two of you up top. As for you Eric B, you and Brian should stick to the Tooth or Ingalls Peak. Lets not justify why its ok to climb Outer Space in 11+ hours. Its not ok.
  22. I saw two Wolverines last September in the Selkirks on our hike into Chimney rock. I didn't know they existed in those parts. I've been to Chimney quite a few times but this is the first I've seen them.
  23. I'm a new member to this website. I live in North Bend and am in search for some climbing partners. I prefer trad and alpine climbing but will do the occaisional sport climb. I try to climb every weekend and have every Monday off as well. Tieton and Leavenworth are two places I like to frequent. I'm always up for trips to destination places as well, such as the Bugaboos, Joshua Tree, Red Rocks, etc. I'm 31 years old and in descent shape. I lead up to 5.10a/b trad routes but see that improving once I get some steady partners with similar goals. Don't contact me if you are a religous freak. thedaryls@hotmail.com
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