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Everything posted by jmace

  1. Yes but just more crap to deal with when rapping...these reverso's although nice for some things seem to really lose their appeal for rapping. Maybe the ATC or ATC guide would be a beter choice for keeping things simmple. Especially in the mountains where we constantly are using thin and sometimes iced up ropes
  2. Nah..thats lindsy lohan..Paris is the one with the video
  3. Dude...save it for your girlfriend..you'd hit that with out even batting an eye
  4. ya, thats probably more a problem with your weiner...geuss it depends on what your rollin around town with
  5. NOPE All day long, id grab the sister too
  6. Would the friction on the device be different if it was a regular rappel as opposed to a single strand ?
  7. I geuss just having that choice has caused some problems..seems like I have read a few accounts of people not rigging them right and going a tad too fast
  8. what about these reverso's...they seem to offer another level of danger to rappels
  9. jmace


    actually the promoters willpay it...buh by hip hop concerts lethbridge
  10. That place is funny, and that post..too much, the only thing better is if it was a cc.comer makin that post
  11. Link...?
  12. Aviation forecasts dont tend to look very far out... what would be best for you is a forecasted sounding. Do you know how to read a sounding? Forecasted Sounding Whats this free air term you use..?
  13. Wouldnt one conclude that you were of limited mental capacity if you continue to do something that sucks the big one every day. Not once in a while but everyday! Thats freakin moronic..
  14. what would the other choices be..?
  15. Why so far Ihavt heard one way that gaurantees you wont rap off the end of your ropes, besides a knot
  16. below the device..does that still stop you from rapping of the ends..?
  17. How can you say then say either you like your life or you dont, what you like half of your life...?
  18. I was saying it in the context of Mike seeing a women like Pamela A and saying you know what id take you home but your just a tad to
  19. a hell of alot more than the 50 or 60$ it takes now for a tank
  20. If you cant afford to drive then take the bus suckers
  21. No after a few months your friends will be wandering around going where the fuck is Tlinn..man he is pussy whipped.
  22. I will pick up the La sportiva Barracudas shortly for squish, my muira's have always been perfect...the cudas seem just a bit better though and I have heard great things about them
  23. jmace

    fledgling trad rack

    you should learn to be more hands on...works great for you and your partner. sounds like you are on your way, practice makes perfect!! have fun! I scooped this page from another web site Sink the pink
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