Yes but just more crap to deal with when rapping...these reverso's although nice for some things seem to really lose their appeal for rapping.
Maybe the ATC or ATC guide would be a beter choice for keeping things simmple. Especially in the mountains where we constantly are using thin and sometimes iced up ropes
I geuss just having that choice has caused some problems..seems like I have read a few accounts of people not rigging them right and going a tad too fast
Aviation forecasts dont tend to look very far out...
what would be best for you is a forecasted sounding. Do you know how to read a sounding?
Forecasted Sounding
Whats this free air term you use..?
Wouldnt one conclude that you were of limited mental capacity if you continue to do something that sucks the big one every day. Not once in a while but everyday! Thats freakin moronic..
I will pick up the La sportiva Barracudas shortly for squish, my muira's have always been perfect...the cudas seem just a bit better though and I have heard great things about them
you should learn to be more hands great for you and your partner.
sounds like you are on your way, practice makes perfect!! have fun!
I scooped this page from another web site
Sink the pink