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Everything posted by jmace

  1. Trying to get stemalot stoned at the bivy...hahaha always fun
  2. Dont you think you should have called the Gene police so they could have taken them out so they didnt pro-create and dilute the gene pool. Some one should take the whole family out before they breed too much
  3. jmace

    Define please

    Besides Pitch has to do with sound
  4. jmace

    Define please

    No you pitch a tent with your stiffie...but you dont pitch your stiffie. This implies that there are shades of dark which there are not howerver there is pitch black which would be the correct way of using that term to describe the type of black
  5. Try this again Ya ive climbed it a couple of times, once going back via golden ears once via edge/blanshard which is in bivouac. Ill describe the approach and the descent via golden ears Head in to the reasonably dry creek bed at alder flats and continue up it until you want to go left and the creek continues straight on. Heading out of the creek on a now steeper bank move into the bush, you may be able to link small scree patches to minimize the bush but there will be times you have to use a little force to continue onwards. Fill your water up at the creek as this is the last place. Just angle yourslef towards the snow below the route..its nice when the snow reaches the rock so you can avoid ascending dangerous mud to the base. The first little bit on the route is the hardest climbing in the upper class 4 range then it angles off and you just meander up the slabs until it stops, here you can head to edge. IF you want go home via Golden Ears then walk back down the slabs heading skiers left until you reach a patch of trees atop of a small wet mossy gulley, down climbing would be doable but rapping is easier..you could avoid rapping by continuing further down unitl you could reach the scree gulley you are trying to rap into from above. rap form trees, possible slings, once off the rap head skiers left immediately and go up and over a small rock "ridge" and then head towards Golden Ears and the scree field, traverse this to the hut and the trail home. Good Luck, its one of my favourite time in the hills!!
  6. Wht happened..just wrote the way in and it dissapeared...ill have to write it again later after lunch arggh
  7. kevbone raising another clutch of kids
  8. Cause you just need to be a tad smarter iF14Yytwjg8
  9. I just wanted to give Rumr shit..cause it took him half a dozen posts to post what he should have said the first time around Yup
  10. Ok so maybe your reading comprehension is a bit weak here ill put it in bold for you in a nut shell: he put his gear on her gear making it difficult to lower off and pack up. it has nothing to do with him getting on the climb, leading under her, getting home for curfew or flaking his rope some magical distance away..all he had to do was move his shit off to the side while the person lowered off. some people have really poor social skills..geuss they learn it from their parents
  11. a dozen people reply that sucks and you the only person ask whats wrong? Clearly you are one of these close talkers..its called personal space, what do I need to do draw a line in dirt like were at a bank..? Figure it out Arch you shoulda just picked up his shit and moved out of the way.
  12. the boots you have chosen dont even come close to comparing them against plastic..I couldnt even begin to think aobut completing some trips that I have done in my plastics with the garmonts, the trango's, which I own, or te Scarpa's..apples and oranges if you plan on hiking for longer than 2-3 days with big loads none of those boots will work, the Nepal extremes are awesome if you like La sportiva I have plastics and ya there heavy but for hike outs longer than a couple days I would never go with out them. Surprising to hear you had problems with blisters on them as I always found plastics had no break in time. My feet have never gotten wet in plastics and to be able to wear my liners to bed is awesome, especially watching people stuff their feet in frozen leathers. if you can only buy one boot, get the nepals cheers
  13. jmace


  14. Whats even better is that he's walkin around with over a quarter pound of nugz and gets possesion for personal use..thats right your honor I roll huge effin canon's !!! I love Canada
  15. YUP, exactly that wall is so identifiable...man its a great day when you can beat the almighty drew at mountain naming!!
  16. no its not copilot, co pilot is way over top the right this is that wall you walk under when approachin sky pilot, im pretty positive as I have seen that wall many times
  17. sent PM..no answer any one else wanna sell me sumtin like this for my dolomite trip..need something for the afternoon T-storms that apparently lurk in that region cheers J
  18. ya and if he can learn how to use the enter button after a photo post and in between paragraphs you could actually read this this thing and the Yak TR..just givin ya a hard time but a few spaces would make it easy to read. that rock wall on the right is just before sky pilot, the habrich trail is actaually quite good for BC standards.. , I hiked it last year and its fine, a tad bushy for like 5 mins
  19. jmace


    30-50$ untill I was 25..then it went to 15 then 10 now its free big bucks gets you: big titties in your face for 45 min, scalp massage, a wash, more titties...and guaranteed plenty of women to ask out, it was like every 3 weeks I had a whole new batch to ask out funnily enough I shave my head now and my last two full time GF were hairdresser's..
  20. jmace


    Well it would be nice to have all the poor belays fixed with at least one bolt and I geuss 1/4 since thats not such a big deal...
  21. jmace


    Maybe so but in the article,obviously, they (CMH) state landing on the park boundary and skiing in and then out and back to the lodge.
  23. jmace

    ice chests...

    that most people think that ozone holes and global warming are connected when they are not..?
  24. that looks like a beret, a toque is what you would see skiers wearing.
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