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Everything posted by jmace

  1. Ya that pic in the rain is very cool.. but I can t see a larger image than the one you posted here..I would like to see the full size version Cheers
  2. Ya like I only hear these loud bikes once they pass...never when they are drving towards me its like a hybrid bike or something I crank the throttle on my duc as im idling behind you and you know im there real quick
  3. She's got man hands...
  4. Put your hands on the tank and lean forward, dunno what these guys are saying 100+ is for single riders only...fast is good
  5. Ya that F800 ST is a nice bike its the one I rented for my Pyrenees motorcycle trip this summer, a very nice ride!!
  6. You and drew big on the moms...kinda weird, ill take the younger sisters ...
  7. 2005 Ducati 749 Dark Likes 110 HP dislikes: I dont see more than my elbows in the rearview, fairly uncomfortable on long rides
  8. Couple at a time man...hopefuly you wont grow up before you figure it out..
  9. Im coming for Cinnicinatti..but why no home monday night games this year..last year was my first monday night game and it snowed ..best ever!!
  10. If you buy the CAJ you will find a piece of paper inside of it..fill it out mail it in and pay the 9.95 canadian shipping. ITs not out for a couple more months
  11. Whatchya gonna ask for Kev..a trip report ?
  12. WOW..thats something I have to do!! Nice job!!
  13. . this is the best I could come up with..having to click the picture for the bigger size cheers have a good long weekend
  14. something to do with how they are named on that site.. it works for some but not all..this one ends in.jpg and works..how do yours end..?
  15. How come I cant see longer than a Year when I choose "View Posts" or "Show Users Posts" thanks
  16. jmace


    Loud pipes save lives
  17. Funny they just ran a news story here on that issue...people are split on the issue but you shuold be able to do what you want save treating your cell phone as a microphone
  18. I do that as soon as someone comes within my personal space..maybe its a sign that your too close?
  19. Im um gonna go climbing..wtf is a matter with you people? Honestly who does that..something wrong with you
  20. Remember when people just minded their own frikn business..you should try it you may find life happier
  21. Thats the problem with having an over 60 fetish
  22. Im not too worried, but thought fer sure someone had posted this well drawn out topo somewhere..geuss not. we'll see just asking about it proabably upset the weather gods and now it will rain
  23. well just in case they are wrong..Sunday is showing some promise with a slower arrival of the wet stuff, like Monday. will see I geuss see you in a bit
  24. Didnt there used to be a great topo of the crossover descent here or on bivouac..? I cant seem to find it..or anything with great detail on the descent.. Any one have any recent beta on the North Slesse glacier..? Do you need crampons to get onto the N Rib ? thanks
  25. Awesome and well written...I knew you loved those all night drives!! Sounds like a wicked adventure and those are wicked shots!!
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