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Everything posted by corvallisclimb

  1. Naw I had a very nice and patient belayer for this one
  2. The Eagles Claw
  3. Nice job! I've recently gotten into doing longer multipitch roped solos with my SP and it can be quite fun. But yes you always need like twice as much water as you think For PCG, in my system I started out TRing the pitch on a mini traxion to second it, but I found it to be much easier and quicker to carry jumars and light weight aiders and just second every pitch on jumars. When soloing definatly stretch every pitch as long as possible, it sucks to have to do any more pitches than needed. And keep in mind the belays don't always have to be in the most comfortable spot unless your going to hang out and snack or something. Then when rapping and cleaning the pitch with the grigri just leave the rope clipped into the peices that will make it easier to jumar. Its kinda a bummer to have to carry a SP, grigri and jumars, but I think its speeds up the process a ton. Good luck!
  4. Thanks dude. Looking forward to checking it out and ripping off some holds!
  5. I use my BigZip when I am slaying the gnar, nuff said.
  6. Hey Bill, I'm curious wich of the routes where done ground up there? So I can put them at the top of my list if I make it there sometime.
  8. Does anyone know who may have had some sort of epic at Wolf Rock in the past couple weeks. Found a rope and stuff. Well get you your rope back if you want. Curious what may have happend.
  9. I is seriouse. It will acctually be quite usefull for on-lead bolting applications and such, I will be rocking the Clack for sure!!!!
  10. And who pulled that tick out of your nipple? Good times! You'll get better soon, so much choss to climb! Haha thanks for getting that little guy outta me!!!!! So much CHOSS!!!!!
  11. Yeah I was bit in 2008 in Yosemite. So who knows? I even took 2 weeks of Doxycycline, but now I don't remember if I started right away, how consistant I was, if I finished the whole RX, etc... My memory has gone a little bit hazy now I think so its hard to remember certain things. Going to try and climb tomorrow, should be nice
  12. Yeah Bill, I will say this. Take every tick bite very seriously. I still don't know when it was that I became infected, but I'd assume it was most likely on the West coast. I'd always heard, and will still continue to hear that there isn't Lyme on the West coast. Thats bullshit, it is everywhere. If I didn't figure this out sooner, who knows what could have happend, and at this point I still don't know what is going to happen. But I at least have some answers. I'm learning more and more every day how serious it really is. Watch "Under Our Skin" as was said before, that might make you think a little more the next time your bitten by a tick. I couldn't watch more than 25 minnutes of it, as I didn't really need to be reminded how I feel any more. But for those interested try and educate your self a little bit more, I wish I had. Like Bill said, I would not be surprised if this became a serious problem in the near future. On that note, fuck the CDC. Hope everyone is getting out and crushing it, because I would be if I could
  13. Just so everyone knows, I'm way beyond the point of early stage treatment. I'm looking for people with experince in late stage Lyme treatment and diagnosis. I'm on a somehwat good track towards some sort of treatment at this point. But am still interested in exploring all options, and taking advice on any reccomended Doctors in the NW. Thanks everyone. Tyler
  14. Unfortunatly yes
  15. Hey I'm looking to talk to any one in Oregon or Washington who has dealt with Lyme Disease. Shoot me a PM if so. Cheers Tyler
  16. still need more spectres...!!!!
  17. corvallisclimb


    on the subject of dancing videos and peace, i've always really enjoyed this one... always makes me feel a little bit better than i did before i watched it [video:youtube]
  18. Is Chris not home? lol
  19. Hey Mirks, your a dick head! Alex is legit, and one of the kindest people I know. I hope karma catches up with you, ya douche. :fahq:
  20. still lookin for spectres!
  21. Wolf was lookin prime today...
  22. will take snargs too hehe... still need more spectres... anyone?!?!?!
  23. This aint' no sport crag... Lookin prime today, go jump on Steel & Stone if you have not already!
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