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Everything posted by drater

  1. drater


    My bad, that's where the negro's come from. Being it was ass sex and all. At least I think that's what the Promise Ministry doctrine spouts, not sure, I only read it the first time, after that killer fire starter. Kevbone, fuck you. The only way the general populace of North Idaho could get any dumber is if you lived here.
  2. drater


    Listen bitches and listen good. I know I promised not to post to spray anymore but the stupidy of this thread is approaching Idaho panhandle level. Thought I'd better clear up a couple things. 1. It's North Idaho, not northern Idaho. Don't fuck that part up. 2. Everything you've read about North Idaho is true. Every media sensationalized report is true. There is no ethnic diversity in North Idaho and we all hate you. All of you. 3. We're even dumber than you think we are. Also more bigoted and more inbred. Cousin fuckin' is the national sport of North Idaho. 4. The white supremicists haven't left, they've just changed addresses. The old bastard died but there's plenty of morons left spouting the party line. 5. There's no rock climbing up here and if you come to find different, we'll kill you. 6. Only the two northern most counties are allowed to be called North Idaho. This eliminates CDA and Post Vegas. Consider yourself lucky. 7. The IMM will fuck you up if you show up here with your big city ways. This is just a fact of life in North Idaho. 8. Californian's are just like blacks, only less tanned. There is no ethnic diversity in North Idaho and all emmigrants will be strung up. 9. According to my neighbors (America's Promise Ministries), whites are the descendants of Adam and Eve, jews the descendants of Adam & Satan. If you move up here, you will find evidence in your mailbox asserting this fact. 10. You're a moron for reading this far. You might just fit in up here.
  3. No way, I used to bolder just south (west?) of there on the hillside with the water tower. Some really good power problems up to V6 with slopey slick (spraypaint) holds out some overhangs, usually had to clean the broken glass off the tops every time, even when I went a couple days a week. Popular drinking and smashing spot I guess.
  4. been awhile, I used to have to go to naches all the time for work, but it's definately not on the road that you turn off of in naches (410?). don't remember the flume, just remember thinking, "that's some pretty choss and if those little columns would hold, probably some really fun climbing"
  5. sobo, the wall I'm thinking of has really small columnar basalt lower that twists into this crazy arch/cave feature and then looks like chossy tablature basalt above.
  6. cool. Is that really cool looking wall you can see from Hwy 12 S of Naches open or one of the closed walls?
  7. Shamefully, none. Sewed it up with 4 pieces. I always think it should be boldered out but it's that + part that stops me. If it was only 5.8, maybe.
  8. Road Head, 5.8+, unrepeated, Okanogan Hinterlands. Overhangs 20' in 45' of height, pulls two serious roofs. Just enough jugs to make it fun between the offwidth trutching. Purists feel free to start screaming...
  9. man, i had this intestinal virus couple weeks back...went to pee, thought I had to fart....those underwear never even made the washing machine...
  10. c'mon man, it was one of those days,,,windy, warm, windy, warm,,,couldn't make up my mind on shorts or pants, so I went shants. might have been the drugs....
  11. You were there too? Funny you could see us pebble wrasslin from that three pitch route you guys were up on... Hope the rain was good for the rest of you!
  12. BullFuckingShit we did. Crushed gneiss all day in the wind and scattered sun, tried to rain on us at 4:20 for about 20 minutes but we just went around back and cranked roofs. I'll post proof once resized.
  13. Holy shit, I bled down that crack. First trip to JTree, been climbing like 3 months, no tekneek, thrashed my way up bleeding from both fists. Camped in the site on the back side of that formation for 3 months, good times.
  14. I think it's called Better Wear Your Helmet, 5.4, C3+. C referring to the choss rating and not the bigwall clean rating.
  15. Beta please. Use any relevent boundary county landmarks as a starting place. kthnxbye!!!
  16. It's all about the IMM.
  17. I hate you. I'm moving out to LaClede, where's the good launches? EDIT: I launched a couple kiting sized airs up there that day, one of which landed me halfway down Y Chute off the top rock, I'm still claiming Killingness.
  18. I'll donate a sign that says: Beware: Falling choss and has the symbol for rocks falling. Ferildo.
  19. not once I get my new 10 wide by 18' tall 60 degree overhung cave finished. snowshoe exploring yesterday found three new AREAS worth developing, all within 20 minutes of my house. touche
  20. You SD boys are sooooo sensitive. Maybe it's just this good lube tho....
  21. 20+ inches of powder today, I killed it all day long.
  22. That's New Hueco and I hope you're not planning on going anywhere soon. If every line at the circuit was a bolder at New Hueco, NH wins. Easily. Going for seconds?
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