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Everything posted by wally

  1. whats up with the 100000byte limit I cant post any pics
  2. I was on the emmons two weeks ago, on the descent I unroped so I could glissade. after becoming surrounded by crevasses I walked back up the hill to my friends and roped up again. forget about sliding, a little time saved isnt worth what you went thru. Glad all turned out alright
  3. wanting to hit baker for the first time labor day weekend thinking easton or coleman demming, how are these routes late in the season? are the crevasses problematic sp? what route is more direct? thanks for any good advice
  4. I own a pair of Scarpa Cerre Torre boots I like them alot however on the descent once I hit the dirt they kill the bottoms of my feet I tried superfeet but the arch is not compatible with my feet what kind of inserts are you using? anyone, anyone, bueler
  5. Had the same wonderful conditions on the emmons! Anyone make the summit that day?
  6. Made a run at the emmons on sunday night, high winds and rain put a cramp in our style, almost blew my partners tent away(was held on by one anchor when we got back) A note to self: dont put gloves down on glacier they tend to blow away! One glove in the rain equals frozen hand
  7. wally


    your first post and that is all you have to say I feel the hate
  8. Glad to see Jesus made it to the convention
  9. youre supposed to crap in the blue bag and carry it out, not crap in your helmet then put it back on
  10. wally

    F/ 911

    hoodwinked into war thats obsurd. subjecting youth to moore's crap to brain wash them into the left. Give youth both sides of any view and let them decide for themselves. After F-911 have them listen to sean hannity for a while. the pimp for the GOP
  11. wally

    F/ 911

    I thought real leaders call Jane Fonda for advise
  12. billion dollar rich ketchup boy is really going to look after the small business guy for sure.
  13. Rush said so it must be true. All the research ya need
  14. Roy is a hick town off of Highway 7 on the backside of Fort Lewis about 1.5 hours from paradise.
  15. If you don't like Kerry's side on an issue give him time and he will take what ever side you want.
  16. The DC on Rainier was the first climb I ever did. I studied and practiced everything in Freedom of the Hills on glacier travel and crevasse rescue and trained like a mother. Then I found someone with more experience than I who was willing to lead me up the hill. It would of been nice if I would have tried my crampons out ahead of time, poking holes in your new gaiters sucks! Granted if my leader was the one who fell in a hole I wouldn't of had a clue how to help him out, so practice is a good.
  17. Someone Help! Can you start at either white river or sunrise on the emmons approach? which is better(shorter) and how long does it take to drive their from Roy WA?
  18. wally

    Best advice

    "Doctor said I would not get so many nose bleeds if I keep my finger out of there"
  19. wally


    God hates sin not the sinner
  20. wally

    The Second Civil War

    Clinton was supposed to be working in the oval office not getting his sexual desires fed. Where is the honor with that? he should of been fired for poor job performance alone
  21. All bears like a little pepper on their meat
  22. MICHAEL tells MOORE lies
  23. I like golf shoes the best
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