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Everything posted by wally

  1. My buddy is a regular at fairmont hotsprings. He has had his eye on three summits visible from the pools. Wants to make a crack at one this weekend. He thinks they are Mt. Jeffre, Mt. Peck and King George, does that sound right? Were amatures leading on rock so are they feasable without good rock skills?
  2. wally

    Screw Kerry

    forgot to mention student of the month ribbon. (back then medals and ribbons were absolutely interchangeable)
  3. Iain, What kind of shape is the Eliot in? Planning on a trip next weekend. Haven't been able to get any beta recently. thanks for what ever ya got.
  4. fresh snow, clear skies, who could ask for more?
  5. Thanks for the simpathy, I talked with her dad today and she is expected to make a full recovery in about 8 months. She has some serious rehab ahead of her, but she is a strong girl and will pull through.
  6. I have no problem with solo climbing, I do it all the time. My point is if you are a beginner it's not the brightest descision to climb alone. I wouldn't tackel a new route in a sport that I am just starting out in. that would be like hopping in a white water boat thinking you can run some class fives without any experience
  7. A friend of mine was bouldering at minne, she wasn't paying close attention and ended up about 20feet up and unable to downclimb. she was alone and ended up losing her grip and fell breaking her lower back. she was found a while later by a passer by. she had surgery they removed a rib, ground it up and put it in her back. A good lesson about not climbing alone and pushing bouldering beyond ones ability
  8. going to hood 8-27 looking for good moderate route, possibly sunshine elliot anyone know the shape of the routes as of right now? thanks
  9. wally

    Find Trogdar

    wonder if I have enough room on the drive to run the sweetest game of the year
  10. God has the right to kill us all!
  11. Rei in spokane is sad, they have almost no climbing section. every time I go in there it appears to be smaller than before
  12. wally

    Kerry in Vietnam

    at the DNC they beefed up Kerry's heroism by super-imposing gunfire into his vietnam swim footage.(thanks to speilberg)
  13. wally

    Repeat of '92?

    never said God leaves you, just saying that if you choose to ignore Him you are opening yourself up to a world of hurt. God is always there for us if we choose to turn to Him. (All right lets bash the preacher boy wally)
  14. any suggestions for a route mid september? perhaps Wy'east
  15. wally

    Repeat of '92?

    no prob
  16. wally

    Repeat of '92?

    falwell rather, how edumacated is I? Store up for yourself treasures in heaven were theives cant steal where rust and moths can't destroy. (spoken like A poor uneducated Christian white boy)
  17. wally

    Repeat of '92?

    easy on the insults, you boxed me up on two sentences. I don't totally agree with the statements by farwell. I was just stating that their rational comes from the belief that the bible is the word of God and that there are consequences to our actions.
  18. wally

    Repeat of '92?

    As a Father disiplines his children, so God disiplines those He loves. If the Bible indeed is true then America is not quite following what it says. As a child if you ran away from home you would no longer be under the protection of your dad. Same goes for God's children, to each of us personally and Nationally.
  19. are they crawling? or are you reeling them in. thanks for the posts, climb is still a month out so we'll see what the conditions are then
  20. Bush isn't out of his element, he was a pilot in the National Gaurd. Was Kerry part of the space program at one time? Who cares about these stupid pictures anyway.
  21. so when Kerry studies the issues he can't come to a conclusion so he chooses both sides so he can always say he made the right choice. At least that is what people like me who over simplify things to black and white think.
  22. The fruit I see from Bush, Honesty in the White House, A man of principal doing what he says, verses John Kerry taking both sides of every issue. But Kerry is no commie he served in Vietnam or did you not hear.
  23. too bad for my little mitten I guess it's time for me to be quit'n searching for that kitten craped mitten
  24. Yes wally really misses his mitten maybe ill get it back from the briton If not its off to the store for an another pair and this time I will not share my little mitten with that briton
  25. lost glove at 11000 on the emmons please someone go find it for me
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