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Everything posted by wally

  1. there is something we agree on!
  2. here is kerrys commitment to those in the vietnam war. www.stolenhonor.com
  3. wally


    Dave you working overtime?
  4. thanks for the information I'll test how accurate the charts are in the field, I feel smarter already.
  5. wally

    Bush DVD

    I see the light
  6. wally

    Bush DVD

    no wonder all the lefties love kerry. He is so good at thinking for himself that he takes multiple sides on every issue. And all along I thought he just had no backbone/principals. Now that I understand that putting murderers to death is not ok put killing babies hey thats all good as long as we all have our precious rights. Kerry is the man for me
  7. Just like the Iraqi spokesman said there were no u.s troops in Baghdad three days into the war
  8. wally

    Bush DVD

    I love how quick ya jump to insults. something wrong with a perspective different than yours?
  9. when tracking weather on the baro does anyone know the ratio change in pressure per 100'ft elevation gain. when climbing up in questionable weather I notice the change but would like to know how much is due to elevation gain
  10. wally

    test yourself

    the ship on the left is approx. 1mm shorter than the one on the right
  11. wally

    Bush DVD

    your against the death penalty for those who kill others but support the right for doctors to murder little babies. thats interesting.
  12. Climbed DC last sept 2nd, ice screws wouldn't hold, glacier to soft but to firm to place a picket without something to pound it in with. RMI was still running with about 35 others at muir. route was a deep trench thru 4 foot suncups above the cleaver. But that was last year
  13. wally

    Bush DVD

    hey Dave, why all the hate for Bush? Does it stem from a hate for God? Or is it because he can't make a point without stumbling over his words? Just curious to what drives you.
  14. wally

    All you neocons

    gangbangers turn the gun sideways, looks super cool even if you can't hit a target 5 feet away
  15. wally

    All you neocons

    I thought that was W's middle name
  16. post in the lost and found, I did and a briton went and got my glove on the emmons for me
  17. about the same time Kerry was inflicting wounds to himself to get out of nam
  18. when clinton was under fire for dodging the draft no lefty said a thing, Bush served in the national gaurd and its not good enough. but draft dodging is alright for Clinton
  19. so pretty serious eh
  20. slogged up the adams south side, slept out in the open with the mice
  21. do even lefties take this crap seriously?
  22. jake sorry man never saw your sunglasses case
  23. I am going there tomorrow Ill keep my eye out
  24. wally


    what makes the man so evil, It has to be him removing Sadaam so he can't kill another 300,000 of his own people.
  25. Thanks for the for the help
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