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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Maybe you could impress us some more with your knowledge of gobots and transformers. Talk about opportunity cost...
  2. Speak in hex, dammit! 6B69 7320 6C79 2061 7373
  3. Tovarish Doktor znayet para slov na velikom moguchem. Molodets. Znaniye - sila.
  4. The more it annoys you... the better. And more people understand me than you think...
  5. Time to practice those liberal ideals: diversity, multiculturalism.
  6. if it makes you feel any better - the liberal bogey-man "big corporations" get rich off of these claims abuses too (drug companies, insurance companies, medical conglomerates).
  7. Tsk tsk, an obsessive-compulsive contrarian. Seek help.
  8. The same can be said of all you 'besserwissers'.
  9. Pick a weekend when there is a stable weather pattern both before and after the day(s) you plan to be there. Bring plenty of water and a filter (or tablets). I drink 3-4 liters round-trip. I'd recommend drinking a sports drink for part of the way up, at least. If you go on the weekend there will be lots of climbers on the trail and you should be able to find some boot track. Start early in the morning to allow for a safety margin. The hike to Muir is more strenuous than Si (4700+ elevation gain in 4.3 miles compared to 3300 in 4.0 miles at an elevation that starts almost 5000 feet higher). If you are not used to hiking on snow, that will make a difference. Bring ski poles or trekking poles. At any sign of the weather turning bad, turn around. If you get socked-in above Pebble Creek and don't have navigation skills, stay put and wait for the weather to improve. Enjoy!
  10. Crap, why do they have to mess up the pictures of hot chicks with those euro-trash losers...
  11. Cool. One thing that irritates me is when I drive in the left lane and go as fast as I can (go with the flow) and then some moron comes and rides my ass because he wants to go faster. I would if I could, but there's a line of cars in front of me. I move over, and he rides the ass of the person in front of him. And so on. These idiots should learn that the "left lane rule" only applies when all the lanes are not at full capacity...
  12. It's bad netiquette to nitpick typos (transposition error). pishov na khuj
  13. Got an error: Error: That article doesn't exist in the database
  14. I know a hell a lot more about communism and the Soviet Union than you. Stick with your cartoons - that seems to be the extent of any specialized knowledge you possess, you silly, ethno-centric, culturally ignorant, myopic, monolinugal, American parody.
  15. Anyone who equates Reagan, Clinton, Bush, or any US president to Lenin, Stalin, Mao or any other mass murder is a fucking moron. Period.
  16. Unless you get named pope. Chuyesh dzvin ta ne znayesh de j vin! Vladiimir Ilich had a name for someone like you: "polyeznyj idiot".
  17. nope. just property, no loss of life. What do you think they did with the other statues? Some were melted down, others were put in dumps, and it is not uncommon for people to hurl shit at them.
  18. Pravyl'no. Siyetlyany-komunyaky dijsno prykhyl'nyky ta odnodumci z komunistamy. Dlya nykh, Vladimir Ilich heroj, shcho prosto stoyav protyv burzhuyiv-kapitalistiv. Rabochi svyeta, ob'yednajtesya... k Chortu!
  19. 2 email letters to nick licata are still unanswered. so i guess next step would be talikng a fucking blow torch and cut the fucker down, right? Why not? If pinko liberal radicals advocate whacking SUVs with hammers...
  20. Dave Mustaine vs. Axl Rose?
  21. Mine would be my Ford emblem on your forehead if I saw you anywher near my truck. So what have you done for earth day today besides litter 170 stickers across Seattle Better yet, force feed them the contents of your blue bag. Leave no trace...
  22. Welcome to where time stands still No one leaves and no one will Moon is full, never seems to change Just labeled mentally deranged Dream the same thing every night I see our freedom in my sight No locked doors, no windows barred No things to make my brain seem scarred Sleep, my friend, and you will see That dream is my reality They keep me locked up in this cage Can't they see it's why my brain says rage? Santorum, leave me be Santorum, just leave me alone
  23. Good stories, and a TR with photos. :-)
  24. Don't they have anything better to do? Time to take a recess...
  25. From reading S&R reports over the years, there does seem to be a theme of people coming from other parts of the country either underestimating the route, their abilities, and/or trying to rush a summit bid instead of taking the mountain on its own terms and waiting for a favorable weather window. As for the "crystal ball", isn't that how the thread started? When someone asks how it will be in the future, that naturally sends up warning flags. The mountain makes its own damn weather and conditions change daily.
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