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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. so much for Gary's onanistic soliloquy
  2. Je ne sais pas = I don't know Je ne sais quoi = I don't know what Are you SURE what she meant to say cbs, or are you talking out your ass again? bien sur, il ne sait pas
  3. Yes, but did he lie to take us into war?
  4. Well given the latest topics discussed above and your Re:Jim reply I'd count that as off topic. Stay with the tread man. who is this tread man you speak of? is the Tread Man like the Spoon Man? The Spoon Man
  5. It's good to see Canada is now on par with places like, oh, West Virginia.
  6. click here
  7. maybe we just have to wait it out until that freak w/ the goofy haircut simply kicks the bucket?
  8. After being in Korea for a while, I can actually see why people may not like them. But hey, racism exists everywhere. Everywhere. Funny, I've heard people say similar things about S. Korea climbers on Denali.
  9. the way I remember it was that Germany, Austria/Hungary and Russia started it over that squabble about investigating the assassination of an arch-duke. France, England and everyone else just piled on...
  10. and vice versa. but they aren't going to war. it's always struck me with all the discussion about racism in America how minor it is in comparision to racism against Koreans...
  11. I climbed the Boulder Cleaver/Glacier route a few weeks ago. It was in great shape with some crevasses opening up. We avoided the Bergshrund by going a more direct route under the summit , but I suspect that variation is "out" by now.
  12. Japan started WWI? I'm tired of the US being the world's policeman. Let S. Korea and Japan burden the share of defending themselves from N Korea and the Chi-Coms for a while. And, S. Korea and Japan are not enemies about about to go to war.
  13. Japan is not comparable to Iran. Ty pokazyvayesh sebya durakom - kak vsegda.
  14. agreed. pull out of Korea and Japan, and let them fend for themselves. If this means nukes for Japan, so be it.
  15. with that mentality would lead to banning that famous SNL skit with Eddie Murphy... ...I C I L L my landlord...
  16. especially pasty white Canucks?
  17. Oooh 5200 feet of elevation gain... with a day pack... the horrors...
  18. it's just over 7200 feet elevation gain
  19. go up and down within eye/ear shot of other parties in case you slip and fall, or get nailed with rock/icefall otherwise, should be no problem
  20. HOLY SHIT What's next? Thermogenesis?
  21. STFU
  22. it's all worth the prize at the end I just drove 9 hours each way to bag Shasta. We listened to lots of Metallica to get pumped up.
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