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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I hiked up there in September a few years ago. It was fairly muddy. A fairly easy scramble, no routefinding issues, and no people. I wouldn't call the approach boring... but it was a hump in.
  2. The dumbing down of America continues.
  3. My kids' baseball league has abolished ALL SNACKS after games due to the .00001% with food allergies. LAME.
  4. Snow King is an easy scramble. Remote with good views. The approach is longish though.
  5. Really it probably K-fed dream, that why he has that pic. Dude...I know I am not one to talk, but you really need to prof read your statments before you hit the submit button. "Really it probably K-fed dream" I dont even know what you are saying here. Now you know how we feel when we read your posts.
  6. The market is cyclical, and if you wait out a lull there will be supply at some point.
  7. Im a lib and I say nuke the fuckers. What do you say to that? STFU, Kevboner.
  8. That's quite a mouthful. Back to the initial number crunching. Somebody who makes $100K can definitely afford a sub-median home in this area. They should have bought a sub-median home in the past, and if so, could afford a super-median home today based on equity from their earlier purchase. A 350K mortgage is totally affordable for that income level. Add in 70-100K in equity and you are golden.
  9. KaskadskyjKozak


    beer goes nicely with that too
  10. KaskadskyjKozak


    damn i was afraid you were going to say that *sigh* I would ice it and take an anti-inflammatory... take that with a grain of salt - I'm not a Dr...
  11. this reminds me of the entitlement thread. Just because the median is "high" doesn't mean the first-time home owner should be able to get in at that level. You can buy something more modest first, build up some equity, then buy a more expensive home/town-home/whatever a few years later.
  12. 1) Pictures of hot climbing chicks. 2) Kevbone being an idiot. That's the bulk of it.
  13. EXACTLY. I remember another thread here where someone called someone else's wife a whore. Same deal; crossing over the line.
  14. The error? I know what I make and have made over the years and what I've paid in taxes and it's nowhere near 14K/100K.
  15. Have you ever owned? And filled in a 1040?
  16. You will not pay 14K if you itemize - at least $24 K is deductible for interest on that loan, plus the real estate taxes. You'll pay that amount in some of King County, but not everywhere. In Bellevue I only pay around 3600. Also, for each dependent you get a 3000K deduction before taxes and $1000/child after taxes.
  17. Note the sexy chest hair:
  18. You got to have a Ph.D. to get a decent wage in that industry. Otherwise you're a peon paid peanuts.
  19. Skinnard? Not likely. I like to play a little Joe Pass. Well...I try. Its not easy to play Joe Pass. Based on your EVH obsession, I'd request to hear Spanish Fly.
  21. cool, you can play semantic games I'm talking about disposable income and how it can be used, and how certain people like to constantly play the class warfare card and harp on "the rich". Usually, said individuals define rich this way: "someone who makes more money than ME" I'm not sure there's much difference between a middle class guy with a house in Marysville tied to a mortgage that is killing him and a "rich" guy in Queen Anne with a similarly oppressive mortgage. If you make more money and sink proportionately more into your mortgage the net effect is to be in the same boat. And the quality of life/house itself often is not that much better or different.
  22. I define rich as being able to take expensive, lengthy vacations around the world for luxury activities including adventure sports.
  23. Well, having worked in lots of research sites with Ph.D.'s (piled higher and deeper) I think you are on to something.
  24. I sooooo agree with this. We need nanny government to take care of us from cradle to grave and save us from hurting ourselves.
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