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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. old phrases are aid
  2. argumentum ad hominem. you've really fallen short that last few months.
  3. The same old, tired, cliched response. You guys are laughable. Fox news (which I don't actually watch you dickweed) is biased. Why? Because you say so. It's a tautology. The NYT is, of course, NOT biased. How dare anyone make such a ridiculous claim. After all, everything in the NYT is true! Obviously! Because the bias in the NYT conforms to your world view. But wait, that's essentially what you just accused all the "fox news" watchers of doing. And that's what you accuse them of doing repeatedly, over and over, as your favorite knee-jerk response to any skepticism of any story in the news that threatens your fragile world view.
  4. click here
  5. The best alien is the one having the most fun.
  6. MoveOn was founded to halt the Clinton impeachment. It's time for MoveOn to move on.
  7. That's not the story that's been going around... and the fact it has gotten so much talking up (even if it proves not to be true) is that it is so plausible.
  8. I find the yellow and green to be the most useful.
  9. You're a real lug nut. Keep smoking weed, tweaking or whatever you've done to decimate your mental capacity. You're just a few synapses away from becoming a walking brain-stem.
  10. May the clue-bird vacate its bowels in your vicinity. (Hint: I didn't make up the term clownpuncher)
  11. LOL! I confused the two "13's". Все рівне, ви з ним з одного поля ягоди! The "tough-guy" lackey from Spokane and the "intellectual superior of Bush" who can do no more than snipe with one-liners about other's typos without evincing any intellect higher than a slug. You were made for eachother, you pillow-biting, butt-buddies.
  12. Did you just get your report card again? Good job! You did much better this time. "E" for effort is about all Trashtalkingcuntie rates on any topic.
  13. STFU, nOOb. There's history to spray.
  14. Looks like most of the senate agrees with.....me. Dems included. MooovOn.org crossed the line. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,297498,00.html Should they be banished/banned? Hell no! Unlike brotha Matt, I think an informed public can decide for themselves. The best part of this whole scandal is how the "fair and balanced" NYT offered a heavily-discounted rate for this ad. No, there's no bias there whatsoever.
  15. wrong. you've never posted any thought or idea of substance. try that for a while, shitsuck, and then you'll redeem yourself as something other than a sniping ankle-biter. Now lick sack, you clownpunching jizz-gargler.
  16. I think you mean "wordsmith," Tucker. Nit picking the typos and sniping is about all you're capable of, hey fuckwad?
  17. Gillan is quite the word-smith.
  18. no... i hear Deep Purple's Strangeways... The alien has landed Finger in his ear Can’t hear a word I am saying But that ain’t such a bad idea And I think to myself in this cradle of Lust Ashes to ashes and dust to dust But strangeways is all you Get
  19. What a brilliant and astute observation. You are ON FIRE today!
  20. this is so easy... too easy.
  21. You ride an out of service bus?
  22. Another slice of genius from Spokane.
  23. And it could be argued that it wasn't a chondrite until it was a meteorite. Its composition was unchanged in either form. And also while it was a meteoroid. STFU NERDS
  24. It doesn't have to be fun to be fun.
  25. Погром
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