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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Kevbonie, like many who toot this song about "forcing beliefs" just doesn't like to hear an opinion that makes him feel uncomfortable and challenges his morality. Did someone rip open your thin cocoon of warm-fuzzy-feeling, Kevie? Too damn bad. I for one am not "forcing" anything on you Kevie, just asking those tough questions which seem to make you squirm.
  2. Unbelievable.
  3. amen, brother.
  4. The irony, the irony!
  5. it's actually pretty common in that industry
  6. How can I argue with a man who likes Neil Peart? I'll try it...
  7. Хочеш мене розсердити з такими зневагами? Пішов ти на хуй!
  8. yeah, I had about 5 weeks of that last winter. I'm just not looking forward to doing it again. This time I gotta do it through Nov and Dec too. Let's hope for less crazy weather - the snow in December really killed my bike commuting.
  9. you mean the Zionist-run banking complex? I thought they controlled every media outlet, so, no there is no alternative.
  10. what pills do you take... you know... to see how things "really" are... [cue the X-Files music]
  11. I'm bored and you're easy to stir up. Lick chode, you jizz-gargling, butt-monkey.
  12. Holy crap....I agree with Seahawks..... He is on the money on this one. Its all crap.... STFU, nOOb!
  13. Ausgezeichnet! Ich will nicht eine Pussy sind. :-)
  14. "Trifecta" jacket... damn, the irony - your favorite word!! :-)))
  15. That reminds me of a joke: "What do you call a woman who uses the rhythm method?" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (a mother)
  16. People sometimes ask me what an ass-clown is. I just refer them to No. 13 Crybaby on training wheels.
  17. I have the low-end clips (SPD?) and cheap shoes. The clips are pretty loose - I keep tightening them. I bought a middle end touring bike last year, and have used it enough to justify the 1K price tag, but just barely. :-)
  18. I ride in those stretch pants, and wear my marmot precip for my top. No, I don't have fenders... I have a mountain bike too, and am debating if that will be my winter ride (with thinner tires) I'd get the fenders on whatever you choose to ride, and ditch the precip in favor of something a bit more breathable, and maybe get some cold-weather cycling pants. I think they make some that are waterproof/windproof on the front/ breathable on the back of the legs. Ditto for tops - more wind/water resistant on the front-side, breathable on the sides and/or back. Getting waterproof shoe-covers that extend up to your ankles also makes a huge difference. You bastards, now I have no excuse! Except for snow/ice, then I can puss out. I'm not sure about water proof pants... I don't get too miserable in the stretch pants unless it really pours. But the jacket needs replaced. I have the shoe-covers but they are only water resistant and soak up really fast... gotta get waterproof ones this year.
  19. I have hit those posts on the entrances to the bicycle paths twice and flew both times. My head was down, it was dark, and it was raining. But for some reason, I have never hit black ice. But then again, I now have tread on my tires. I have found in the past that if I go with bare tread I get more flats. I have almost hit one of those posts too ... on the I90 trail I saw the black ice and went very slow, but as soon as I started the turn, I wiped out. I'd hate to do that going 20+ mph
  20. I ride in those stretch pants, and wear my marmot precip for my top. No, I don't have fenders... I have a mountain bike too, and am debating if that will be my winter ride (with thinner tires)
  21. Have you ever biffed it in the winter? I took a fall last Jan on some black ice. I ride a road bike with fairly thin tires.
  22. Well, I bus when I don't ride, and it's not cold here. It's the rain that gets to me... the prospect of getting dripped on in 40 degree temps and soaked, and having all the road grit collect on my gears, and messenger bag.
  23. snow? what snow. :-P
  24. don't start this thread again...
  25. Interesting that you raise that example... I was thinking about Tibet's situation and the philosophy of pacifism that obviously permeated the POV of at least one participant in this discussion. A lot of good pacifism has done them, eh? And a lack of an army? I just watched Kundun a few days before this thread started, and that definitely made an impression on my mind set when this thread started. My impression of the history of the Tibet/China conflict is that Tibet did raise an "army", but were vastly out-manned and out-gunned; in the end, pacifism, as a nation, was not practiced. Yes, they had a very small army, and some fought. The movie does touch on the "ethics" of fighting - is it justified "ever", and so on, and should the Tibetans fight/when is it appropriate. I disagree with your statement that "pacifism, as a nation, was not practiced". In that case, the culture of pacifism did have a huge role in the amount and nature of resistence, and history played out exactly as you would expect. I have no desire for the US to go that route, that's for certain.
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