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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Do you climb?
  2. The rains are here, and it's gonna get harder to suck it up and bike in miserable drip/piss. Any hardmen (or women) out there who bike every day - rain or shine - at least 10 miles each way every day, that can give me motivation to enjoy the pain?
  3. Is it really necessary to express tautologies?
  4. Interesting that you raise that example... I was thinking about Tibet's situation and the philosophy of pacifism that obviously permeated the POV of at least one participant in this discussion. A lot of good pacifism has done them, eh? And a lack of an army? I just watched Kundun a few days before this thread started, and that definitely made an impression on my mind set when this thread started.
  5. I thought libertarians were against government imposing its ways on the people. Pegged you for a lockstep neocon right away. You are consfusing libertarians versus anarchists. Libertarians aren't necessarily opposed to rules, but they generally agree that whatever rules are in place should apply to everyone, and are generally opposed to the government using the said rules as a mechanism by which to order society in a manner which favors or elevates certain groups or interests who satisfy whatever arbitrary standards of virtue or merit that the majority happens to favor at any particular point in history. and who said I ever wanted to make abortion illegal, anyways? just because you argue ethical topics and ask challenging questions doesn't imply or necessitate the former. well, weak minded individuals assume that. silly betas.
  6. The best part about this thread is that after all the bitching, the ad is still there.
  7. coming from the 4th biggest attention hound behind K-bone, pink and TV, kind of funny. listen, crybaby, i've posted a lot of incendiery crap, and I've never been banned (yet). so you must be doing something beyond the pale.
  8. it depends
  9. just think, he was once just a zygote. I get from your view and your words that you believe if you are a parent then you should be against abortion? And you would be a “hypocrite” if you thought otherwise? I refer you to Archenemy's post on hypocrisy.
  10. everyone, please don't neglect to take some swipes at Seahawks. He's asking for attention again.
  11. just think, he was once just a zygote. So were child rapers and suicide bombers. Not everyone gets to live. they get to be killed after they prove they deserve to die.
  12. you were excepted all right.
  13. just think, he was once just a zygote.
  14. just the "kickin' chicken"
  15. I thought you got banned? You mean cause the Nazi's banned be for a weekend becuase they don't agree with me. Its okay, I just know what type of person they are. they banned you because you're a "clueless twit".
  16. Like death penalty? I don't practice that either. Did I hit a nerve, you hypocrite? Easy to "call out" others, but not face up to your own bullshit, is it?
  17. yes, with caffeine
  18. just look at the kid, and think "what if my s.o. thought of him as an 'it', a zygote, a mistake, non-human, or 'inconvenient'". Seems hypocritical to me. Could be. But hey, at least I am consistent! Under certain conditions, I am able to accept war, death penalty, and abortion. Oh, and hunting. Top that. quit arguing with me! I want to pick on Kevboner!
  19. just look at the kid, and think "what if my s.o. thought of him as an 'it', a zygote, a mistake, non-human, or 'inconvenient'". Seems hypocritical to me.
  20. but it's so great to be a dad...
  21. hey kevbone, you wanna know what hypocrisy is? it's a guy who posts fawning pic's of his kids in a sensitivioso thread and talks about how great fatherhood is, then goes on an on about abortion rights.
  22. Amen.
  23. some seem to be able to "kill them" just fine - why would "giving up" a baby be any harder? in actuality you do the latter by doing the former.
  24. wow, I thought you were exaggerating. :-/ you should call the company ... maybe they have an idea. aren't you afraid of trying other bourbons? you could have the same reaction from some other brand...
  25. i see nobody has had the guts to refute this yet. all you whiners who said Bush stole it from Gore in 2000 should be a little less hypocritical and admit that Kerry stole it from Kucinich in 2004. liberal You gots it all wrong.... Bush stole it from McCain in 2000.
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