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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. lawyers don't answer questions; they ask them.
  2. sri aurobindo is a jizz-gargling assclown.
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    Is that your solution to address you feelings of inadequacy, Stuart Smalley?
  4. The barbarians are at the gate and they wear turbans. if you pulled your head out of your ass you might see things the way they are, rather than upside down. You repeat? No, sir, you babble. Endlessly and incoherently. We are not "invading". That's present tense. We have invaded, past perfect. Pillaging? You stupid little monkey. Read a history book to find out what pillaging actually entails. As for the "we" - fuck off - you're not one of "us" - Americans, that is.
  5. Serious questions: 1)Where were you educated? 2)How would you rate your ability to translate your thoughts into written English?
  6. Yeah, baby!!
  7. they don't compare to ski bunnies
  9. WTF? I have stated two or three times now that subsequent statements from the NYT indicated that in fact they DID give MoveOn the price break. geeeez. How does that crow pie taste, Matt? Hmm? EAT UP, BEYOTCH!
  10. That's about the stupidest, most ignorant comment you've made to date. And if you are "worried" about global warming, all the more so.
  11. From: http://www.walmart.ca/wps-portal/storelocator/Canada-Storefinder.jsp?page=sfd "*With 285 stores from coast to coast in Canada, you are more than likely to find a store wherever you go...."
  12. I don't think it warrants jail time, that's for sure. Maybe a fine, and psychiatric evaluation.
  13. That explains everything about you.
  14. KaskadskyjKozak

    Duck Killer!

    I'm annoying that way... among others.
  15. KaskadskyjKozak

    Duck Killer!

    I wonder if this Humane Society spokesman is a vegan? I beat you!
  16. discuss
  17. pics? NOT!
  18. I think if I was lost the last thing I'd worry about is if I'd pick up giardia... i'd just drink out of the creek.
  19. me thinks the weekend binging has begun already :-)
  20. I imagine that your head hit the floor after you were shit out, which explains your profound mental retardation.
  21. millimeters of course
  22. As I suspected, once you string a few too many words together and we start to see your grammatical and spelling errors come through. Perhaps you should check your own posts before sniping, you clownpuncher.
  23. the grass is always greener...
  24. You noticed that too?
  25. Amen, sister!
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