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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. No shit. Why not just make it Cruise/Travolta.
  2. how about 72 virgins?
  3. nice to know there are weirdos around all the time.
  4. I can stop. really. any day. how about tomorrow?
  5. I remember that view well. Every time I drove through LA from San Diego, you'd see that brown fart cloud sitting over LA from somewhere N. of San Clemente. Pathetic. CP: you will not be climbing much anyways as a med-student.
  6. actually I wish this whole f-ing thread would just be deleted - period.
  7. I would give the same comment if FW, JayB, or you did the same thing.
  8. I am glad that you agree that: 1)Both parties are guilty of using gerrymandering to suit their own purposes. 2)There is no credible evidence to suggest that electronic voting have been rigged to distort the vote count in any recent presidential election. regarding #2, whatever the "evidence" is, why not not get rid of electronic voting till it can be made transparent and opensource? until it is so i will always distrust the results (except of course when they are in my favor ) DIEBOLD must go.
  9. who the hell walks around climbing areas with a camera and snaps close-ups of strangers? and then posts them on an internet forum? sounds to me about one step away from upskirt photography.
  11. KaskadskyjKozak


    YES!!! PLEASE!!
  12. deja vu.... first CBS, now CP...
  13. this thread sucks Donkey Schlang
  14. Talk about thread drift
  15. That's so gay when people use "lame" as a synonymn for something negative. I know a lot of lame people and I'm offended by your retarded post. What are you a sissy? Sack up, nancy.
  16. I really like the Osprey Aether 60. It carries 35-40 lbs well and has a decently narrow profile. It's reasonably light but certainly not the lightest pack on the market.
  17. but they are not things, they are living, so I can see how people will be willing to go farther for them, especially considering the cost of "things"
  18. Hey Hemingway loved Cuba, that's good enough for me!
  19. i don't think it's even relevent to talk about "the homeless" in this topic. you could make the same argument about how much we all spend on gear, vacations, our cars, or other luxury items and there are still homeless.
  20. i'd like to legally buy cuban smokes. :-) it's kind of funny how we hold grudges for a 45+-years-gone-by bloody nose, but I guess that's the way it is. once that bastard kicks the bucket, i'm sure we'll move towards normal relations again.
  21. Minx, I started climbing when my third kid was 2. I had always looked at the mountains and wanted to learn how to climb and finally got off my ass to do it. Since I didn't climb before I had no kids, I can't say whether I'd climb more or less. I climb as much as I can, but that's a lot less than folks I know without kids, or with grown-up kids. Sometimes climbing pushes on being selfish. I've climbed every father's day for 4 years running, for example. I've been leaning more towards one-day trips in the past year, so I can spend 1/2 the weekend with the family. I really like doing Friday night car camps with an early start and a one day ascent. Last year I did a few this way: Mt. Saint Helens, Ingalls, Whitehorse, Silverstar, and Dragontail. But to be honest half of those were backups due to my overnight climb plans being rained out. As for the risk factor, I err on the side of caution. I'm averse to doing very committing routes and don't see this changing anytime soon. Grade II-III is cool, but grade IV routes are probably out of the question for the foreseeable future.
  22. Das Boot
  23. That's some heavy stuff for Spray, DeC.
  24. yeah, I was up there in Nov. Would be a good one in summer, I agree.
  25. KaskadskyjKozak


    poor sobo
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