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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. how's the communist party primary going, prole?
  2. Kevbone was going to send you some, but you hurt his feelings these past few weeks and so he's not gonna get 'em to ya, unless you make up first. 8D
  3. what motivated that post?
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    Bob, Congratulations! On your very first post, you've been treated with TTK's famous form of intellectual discourse. Feel privileged by this 'honor'.
  5. Agreed. And that goes for those who are the most vocal about their lack of belief, especially when criticizing those who do believe.
  6. they all do that to get into office... and yes it's annoying as fuck. I was very disappointed in Lieberman in 2000. I think McCain will be true to himself and his character as president ... if he gets elected.
  7. we don't need any more Bush's and Clinton's in the white house, and we don't need any more bohunks from Hope, Arkansas either...
  8. the only hallmark holiday I can get out of is father's day... since it's my day, after all. some battles are not worth fighting... just learn to enjoy 'em for what they're worth.
  9. Hot Carl says you don't even give the courtesy of a reach around
  10. call it wishful thinking then... anyone but huckabee
  11. I'd take McCain/Obama
  12. looks like that will be the ticket and if so... a big sigh of relief that Huckabee will not get tapped for VP
  13. Actually, in fact, you do do all the things above that you claim you don't.
  14. Galliano? Pernod?
  15. I second that! man, the cynicism is in full effect today
  16. do they get better mileage than a SmartCar?
  17. had ouzo once, and I didn't enjoy it, and i didn't... never mind. gotta try it again. I have some metaxa at home... it's good to have on occasion, for variety.
  18. I have met Fairweather and I didn't find him to be an unpleasant individual - face to face. We trade insults on line and indeed I've accused him of being over-the-top obnoxious in this very thread, but I bet you would do OK to meet him for cup of coffee or a beer. someday I owe *you* a beer, Matt.
  19. you and V7 have a lot in common
  20. Good questions, Jay. Consider the case of Vietnam. Over the course of a few decades the French and Americans killed millions of Vietnamese - combatants and non-combatants alike. Their country was destroyed, jungles deforested. They have every reason to hate us and want to exact revenge. But do we see Vietnamese terrorists plotting to destroy our country? Do they have protects where they burn our flag and chanting "America is Satan"? If we printed some cartoons mocking their country, people, government and way of life, would they seek to kill the authors and publishers of said cartoons. It seems there's more to it in the case of those in middle eastern countries who want us destroyed - including countries we have never invaded, nor in which we have killed millions. I wonder, just what the difference could be...
  21. Seahawks, STFU - "we" don't need you on "our" side.
  22. we'll find out... here comes the fatwa!!
  23. Why did they kill him then? a subset of Jews in positions of power hated him and had him killed.
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