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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. go crawl back under the rock you came from Trashcanlicker.
  2. You're so PC. I know you guys like to beat a dead horse, but that is ridiculous.
  3. actually the issue is he has an "R" by his name, not a "D", that's really all you care about. Ah, and around from side he comes once again, with the totally unexpected "you're just a partisan hack who wouldn't say a thing if it was a democrat..." finger pointing. I'm so defeated, I'll concede to you now, Mister Neutrality. Thank you for keeping this a "no-spin zone"! Just admit it - the reason you are so concerned is because the dude's a Republican. It's really not so hard to admit. There have been sex scandals with D's. Remember the MA governor with his boy-toy? Did you get so upset about that guy's hypocrisy? And he went well beyond what Craig did. No, I don't think you weren't so upset.
  4. umm, prole, he's dead.
  5. actually the issue is he has an "R" by his name, not a "D", that's really all you care about.
  6. censure and move on, Porter, just move on.
  7. and don't forget, Porter, "everyone" lies about sex, sex is not a big deal, and it's does rise to the level of impeachment.
  8. because he's gay? so, do you trust gays as Scoutmasters? its not that he is just gay...he is also dishonest and misleading...and has no problem breaking the law to get his "fix". he had gay sex with strangers in airports, not people he knew in his congressional office.
  9. Seems like just yesterday our intolerant homeboy was whining about a Clarence Thomas article dated February 25, 2008. Why don't you print up some more copies of the "I believe Anita" t-shirt and sell it to all your relevant, like-minded friends here.
  10. because he's gay? so, do you trust gays as Scoutmasters?
  11. One of these things is not like the other... It's kind of like Craig. He was outed in the media by people like YOU who say it's OK to be gay, right? Now No. 13 has been outed too. See, it's not such a big deal.
  12. Umm, we had this "debate" months ago. Go reread the thread. Hmmm news release is date "February 26, 2008". Do you have a time machine? http://craig.senate.gov/releases/pr022608a.cfm Why is No. 13 LOOKING for this information? Reading Craig's web site? He probably has it bookmarked for late night... reading.
  13. Would you entrust Congressman Barney Frank with your son or daughter as an intern?
  14. Umm, we had this "debate" months ago. Go reread the thread.
  15. In that case, you better delete this post before anyone sees it! Why else are you spending any time at all looking for this kind of stuff about Craig? That story is months old. When it was in the news, fine... although even then your were "all over it". And you still are, apparently.
  16. You also browse the web incessantly looking for information about brown-eyed, southpaws and post it here? Nope, that doesn't seem to be the case. The point - my hate-filled, myopic friend - is that you have to do better than call me gay if insulting is your goal. That only works on middle-school playgrounds, or rush limbaugh message boards. Alternatively, you could fall back on "lick sack." No, the point is your sick obsessions with Craig, among other things. I don't give a shit if you're gay.
  17. You also browse the web incessantly looking for information about brown-eyed, southpaws and post it here? Nope, that doesn't seem to be the case.
  18. Decency and morality are hallmarks of the GOP. After all, that's the point of this thread. seems you're a bit TOO obsessed about this Larry Craig. it's been months since that story broke, was played out, and died. yet, you are still reliving it. and... looking for links like the one you posted. how much time do you spend thinking about Craig, and his "activities", looking for more information on the interwebs to post, discuss, and... salivate over... and... why? I think we can deduce the answer to that question.
  19. you mean you stalked some chick and took her picture (without her permission) and then posted it here (without her permission) you clearly have no sense of common decency - yet alone morality.
  20. you've got yourself on the ropes. which is something you tend to avoid. How's my favorite little monkey? One only hoped that after your last photographic fiasco you'd have slunked in the shadows for even longer. Oh, well, you never learn.
  21. you've got yourself on the ropes.
  22. speaking of steaming piles... so much for the fresh air here. it's been a pleasant few days.
  23. you're still not funny. keep trying! it's not a joke. unlike you.
  24. it says a lot more about you than me.
  25. lick sack
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