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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. thanks. i'm going to the Symphony.
  2. I thought maybe you finally banned him.
  3. speaking of Pink, where the hell has he been?
  4. How are they being punished? What is going on now is a market correction, pure and simple. Let's list the reasons. 1. People defaulting on their mortgages 2. A ever increasing inventory 3. Credit has tightened 4. Other economic factors like unemployement. Now, let's look at the main reasons for each of these factors. 1. People over-extended themselves. 2. Builders were racing each other before the bubble (remember this word!) burst. 3. Lenders greed has led to a huge crisis and credit has dried up. 4. Unemployment is up in part because consumer and business credit is maxed out or unavailable. Now.... looking at all these reason what can you tell me? All of them were human errors that were foreseeable and predictable, yet it seems to be a shock to people that this was happening. People and Businesses didn't live within their means, and now themselves and some unfortunate victims are paying the price. This is market correction.. you lived outside the capacity of your ecosystem and now it's time for things to correct. So why should our government come in and "fix" this. The reality is anything they do is temporary and superficial, and we will wind up in a similar mess in a few years unless this is allowed to naturally play out. Corporate welfare is just an extension of entitlement programs on a macro-scale. The more Americans turn to government as a safety net for all problems the more we can expect to see manifestations of the 'moral hazard' philosophy both from individuals and corporations. The wet slippery slope has iced over.
  5. Well, that's what they say now. When it comes to brass tacks (e.g. the general election), they'll change their minds.
  6. So am I and Pink.....go Aries! "born under a bad sign..."
  7. I'm a Ramm Stein. :-))) Does this go back to that thread of a few weeks ago about eating babies or something? No, but your misunderstanding of Archie's dinner menu yesterday might (Mein Teil). ;-) THAT WAS IT! Mein Teil! Thanks for clearing that up. Aries the Ram. Ramm Stein = ramming stone. Interpret that as you will.
  8. I'm a Ramm Stein. :-))) Does this go back to that thread of a few weeks ago about eating babies or something? No, but your misunderstanding of Archie's dinner menu yesterday might (Mein Teil). ;-)
  9. Really? I love Van Hagar…..5150 IMO is the best guitar sound Eddie ever came up with. I love the first 4 albums with Hagar…… I love the arpeggio runs in Cabo Wabo.
  10. You could use that argument to summarize most if not all big gov't entitlement programs. Those who work hard and sacrifice and make the right choices pay for folks who did not.
  11. I'm a Ramm Stein. :-)))
  12. Interesting, boner. So, if FW voted for Gore in 2000, then clearly Gore would have won Washington state and tipped the balance giving Gore enough electoral votes to win the presidency. What a minute. Gore won WA state handily. You're a dumbass.
  13. Thanks man. I better get climbing while I still can.
  14. When I read her response, I thought she meant oral. Guess I have a dirty mind.
  15. No, it doesn't. See ^^ It matters on judgment day for him and him alone. Either way he will go to hell….. There is no hell; there is only France.
  16. Kevbone.
  17. \ I think you need more help than that if you couldn't recognize an offer to oral.
  18. I saw a bear do it at the zoo one time. Pretty funny.
  19. and contortionists
  20. Tell us how you really feel. Don't be shy!
  21. yeah but it was Aid climbers not Crack climbers. scars are aid
  22. I don't buy this. Unless people are gonna be allowed to buy M-1 tanks, RPG's, and shoulder-launched SAM's, the US populace has no hope in hell if the government actually decided to turn against its own people militarily. Even armed to the teeth with .357's and hunting rifles as we are, there'd be no prayer. As for self-defense and hunting - that's a different story of course.
  23. it sure smells like ass
  24. True enough. Partly due to Canuck accent.
  25. Jeez….about time you come to that realization. We all did along time ago…. now you just have to admit your dumber than a bucket of snot, and all is well.
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