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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Nice! An Obama/Richardson ticket is looking more attractive by the minute. Amazing. I knew Hillary had an ego, but for her supporters to compare her to the Son of God betrayed for 30 pieces of silver... Richardson is a cool guy. Ditto on the kudos.
  2. Perjury. It's not perjury if you lie about sex. So why was he being investigated in the first place? Because he texted a chick about sex? Kevin, The man broke God's law. He's a fornicator. He must be better looking than his wife.
  3. Perjury. It's not perjury if you lie about sex.
  4. look, it's Kevbone. Democrat = Good. So, he mustn't have done anything wrong.
  5. you cited a FoxNews link on cc.com? you live dangerously.
  6. who pointed out the man's race here?
  7. you must acquit
  8. linky it's OK, though. he's a Democrat.
  9. is there an echo in here?
  10. are you sure those were from the drink?
  11. I imagine the nose was great - spicy, vanilla, caramel notes, but how was it on the palate, and the finish?
  12. Yeah, there's nothing like the smell of H2S in the morning!
  13. next you'll be drinking cologne and moutwash.
  14. lush
  15. Have you tried anything better than Jim Bean white label? That was my introduction to bourbon, and caused me to avoid the stuff for 15 years. The shit tastes like turpentine.
  16. Well one thing's for sure, now that you've showed up, 'Happy Hour' is over! You guys were doing fine w/o me. No joy here.
  17. this thread is depressing. WTF?
  18. I believe with HAPE you actually cough up pink, foamy shit. I've only been up Hood once, and must say the fumes are pretty strong up there on the S. side. Every whiff of that sulfur made my stomach turn . I can't think of any of the other volcanoes that are that bad
  19. i've experimented in da hills w/ the only bivi sack or only lightweight sleepign bag and from now on will always go w/ the sleeping bag...the sack always ends up being colder, but then i've never unexpectedly been hit by a rainstorm. No sleeping bag? Fawk that shite. The extra clothes you'll to keep your teeth from shattering will undoubtedly outweigh a nice, warm, summer bag. Skimp on the clothes, not the bag. No sleep = shitty performance and a shitty time. Here here! What about those half-bags? I've heard some folks swear by them.
  20. But the Dingo'll eat ya babie!
  21. yes, that's about right.
  22. I checked out some of these newer bands mentioned above... and they just aren't appealing. Guess I'm officially old now.
  23. How accurate are the hear rate devices that are built in to gym equipment? seems like the easiest way to do this. I definitely feel I'm working hard between 165 and 170 beats/min, and feel very uncomfortable at 185 (according to the built-in device).
  24. L__LKaAGhIA
  25. not interested. until he gets tits like tvash's.
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