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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Not something he likes to talk about, but it's out there. linky
  2. Blame America First! Moral relativism! F-Yeah!
  3. That's rich, coming from you. Whatever, dude.
  4. No shit. As soon as you criticize Islamic extremism as manifested by the threats of violence surrounding the publishing of Mohammed cartoons, you invariable get personal attacks and insinuations about a racist dislike for (mid)eastern peoples, followed by a dose of naive historical rationalizations and moral equivalency arguments.
  5. You made a baseless claim, were proven in error, and brush it off with "I'm sure they are there". Kind of like WMD in Iraq.
  6. Thanks for the second hand info…… Will you please define “support our troops”. go pack your guitar, boner
  7. Sweet! I drew some cartoons of Mohammed in the snow with my piss, but fortunately no 'ragheads' saw me before they got buried, and my car wasn't wired to explode when I started it.
  8. No rain? I went to Snoqualmie Pass and it snowed all day Sat.
  9. How was Vantage? Did you guys go?
  10. Stupid Americans who think a dish is French, which probably came from Belgium, and has actually become more American (super size me!)? That problem? The worst we do is rename our foods. The Imams would have issued a few Fatwas, and some throats would have been slashed and bombs exploded. Yes, it certainly illustrates a point, you are correct!
  11. Yes, that was a total fucking joke! Don't you agree?
  12. I think Americans are fundamentally more generous and even-handed than others. Indeed our rep among many people is that we are "naive" because of this. We trust too much and are too generous with folks who hate us. BTW, the French comment was a friggin' joke.
  13. Actually, I think we could run some searches and find exactly that being urged by some fairly prolific posters on cc.com a few years back - unless the politically correct moderators you complain about deleted it. Go ahead and do the search. We'll see how much you turn up.
  14. Hhere an entry from the page on the muslim conquest of Alexandria: You can easily find historical references to the brutality of the Muslim conquest, and I won't dispute those. When tent bound on an expedition to Alaska I read a world history book, however, and I was surprised to learn that Muslim jihad has more to it than the simplistic ideas I read here on cc.com. Yeah, the Ottoman Turks were soooo tolerant. Just ask the Armenians.
  15. KK, I've heard several people say it with full intent. One exact quote, by a young enlisted man speaking to his buddies, "I'm going to Iraq to kill me some towelheads." I've also heard "sand *" used in this context. It's understandable, killing another human being is not something to take lightly, and it's easier if you can dehumanize your target. Perhaps "infidel" is sufficiently pejorative to serve that function on their side. Certainly some form of this process has been around as long as warfare. That doesn't mean I have to stand up and applaud it. Hatred of the Other, whether based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, or social class, is the central flaw of humanity. My brother in law speaks Azeri and Turkish. He used to work in a copy store downtown and often had muslim customers come in and talk shit about America and Americans amongst themselves (in Arabic, Farsi, etc). My brother in law could understand quite a bit. One time two guys were going on and on about American women being whores, beneath contempt, etc, and my brother in law proceeded to chew them a new one in their own language. And you should hear his stories related from friends who are veterans of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Anecdotal evidence is great. I've never heard anyone who supported our troops talk about killing towel-heads or sand-n***ers. In general I think our troops and American people are about as good as you'll get. I'd much rather be looking down an American barrel than an Iranian, Russian, N. Korean, or Chinese one. I guess only a French barrel would be preferable, since it would never be fired (I'd just have to yell "boo").
  16. So I watched the controversial video. That movie is just a 10 minute opinion piece, hardly worth all the fuss, and all the morons in Islamofuckistan need to get a grip.
  17. Are you f-ing kidding? That's almost laughable if it were not so twisted.
  18. Yes, but are they women, you actually want to see topless?
  19. I'm unclear on why you think this. Is it that you find the phrase offensive? Is it the notion that someone who feels this way would be a McCain supporter? Is it my implication that xenophobic racism is present on our side as well as in the radical elements promoting jihad? How many people have you actually heard say this? Kill the towelheads, that is? Or is it something you just "suspect" you political adversaries to actually think?
  20. Well said: however I highly suspect that once all of his other ideas and plans finally see the light of day, even the unwashed masses who voted him in will be unsatisfied like you cannot imagine. Some of you here will be looking back fondly on the Bush years, despite your yowls otherwise about it now. I think Bush's legacy will be a mixed bag. He's not a good president, nor is he a terrible one, but somewhere in the middle. Obama, like all politicians, is saying one thing to appeal to the people to get elected. Once in office (if he makes it), there is a good chance that 16 month plan will evaporate. Nixon ran on getting us out of Vietnam. 4 years later we were still there, and our involvement had actually increased. He still won reelection in '72!
  21. You play right? So you can understand the fascination and obsession with playing right? I play/practice everyday. My son loves to hear the guitar.....sitting around the pool drinking foo foo drinks with umbrellas while playing flamenco is in my future..... umm, yeah, but I can live without my guitar for a family vacation.
  22. Thanks for the info.....I do not want to go to Mexico for 10 days and not be able to play my guitar.... You can't live w/o your guitar for 10 days?
  23. Tittie rings don't kill people!!!
  24. He's not too picky. And with the decapitations, he's got an extra orifice.
  25. I'm sure the Rooster would love to join that hot tub party.
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