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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. maybe they are planning on moving their border back south into the PNW.
  2. It says "while you are young and have a lot of strength and energy, come serve as a contractor in the border patrol of FSB (some agency) of Russia".
  3. as I've said above, I think those requirements are retarded everywhere too dumb to learn a new language and something about the culture you'll be a part of, or just too lazy?
  4. literacy tests to vote were designed to disenfranchise poor whites and blacks - thanks for making my point i would expect to have to pass a language test to vote in another country, say "Austria". as for your bullshit disenfranchisement point, we aren't talking about an impossibly high bar here. I'm sure our wonderful public education system has prepared all its native born citizens well enough to vote or take a driver's test. If not, well then I guess you need to get to work on fixing that problem.
  5. I realize you like the US is bad strawmen - I wasn't arguing that, pointing out the foolishness of the English Only group that wishes to make English the only language of government communication preventing government from translating forms into other languages and conversing with populace in any other language. Heaven forbid that someone who wants to vote or get a driver's license should actually learn to speak English. The horror!!!
  6. climb? you... bastard...
  7. I'm gonna take a huge dump. I'll let you know how it comes out.
  8. pssst, Buckethead: you look like Michael Jackson.
  9. that picture frightens me
  10. become?
  11. Baghdad McDillhole needs to cough up the cash and stfu.
  12. So is ours.
  13. his lawyer is appealing it. reminds me of Exxon. f-ing lawyers.
  14. Just cuz Im in canada doesnt mean i can just walk into the fucking doctors office whenever I want to.. I live in a small town and the local doctors wont see any patients for some reason and the office in chilliwack couldnt get me in for some reason... I just had a question and you dont have to be such a stupid motherfucker and bitch at me like that you fucking asshole... sorry bout my fucking language I thought the Canadian Health Care System was much better than the US. Weird.
  15. Speaking of disturbing metaphors... yo, Adrian!!!
  16. go play guitar or something
  17. When they showed me the Integration Agreement it summed zero from -infinity to +infinity can you guess which empire Kafka was from? Was ist deine Probleme? Wie man will im Oesterreich leben, muB man die Deutsche Sprache lernen, nicht wahr?
  18. Because we don't make people fill out residence permit forms in quintuplicate like Austria and have insistances on "cultural values" Your application didn't go through, eh?
  19. Have you seen dumb and dumber? Or that Christmas movie with the dorky kid in glasses?
  20. Have you seen dumb and dumber?
  21. Only 5 more months until football season!!!!
  22. Wow, John McCain's son is stuck in Iraq!!!
  23. They do hold some advantage but even they (or at least Canada, the US and Australia) cling to some obscure notion of what a citizen should be thats tilted towards the White Anglo-Saxon Like what? My question is just exactly what "obscure notion of what a citizen should be" that is "tilted towards White" and "Anglo Saxon" - sounds like the same old tired, bullshit (racist) rhetoric. I don't see anything about the responsibilities/expectations of a citizen in the US that is racist or "Anglo Saxon". Pay taxes, vote, participate in politics if you want, volunteer. Yeah, that's so "white".
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