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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Whatever you say Tina
  2. linky as if it's any different here in the US...
  3. so you love American women after all!
  4. Neither should they wed, for that matter... No self-respecting climber would marry a butter-hog.
  5. Yes. From behind bars to a padded room. No. He should be taken out and shot four times in the chest. Even better. Technically, he has serviced his time. He was sentenced to 20-life. He could be released. If so….someone needs to put 4 bullets in his neck and then stand over him as he bleeds to death. Just so he knows what that is like. MFer took one of our great song writers in history from us. Kbone, WTF, you are so violent today! I thought stoners were more mellow.
  6. Well George Washington really sucked for Great Britain!
  7. It's Tuesday right now somewhere on the planet, I believe...
  8. it's 4:30. you must have cracked a beer by now
  9. you're right, RuMR. I'm afraid Kboner is more like a cling-on, and cloaking him will not be enough to make that turd actually disappear.
  10. You may be right, GGK, in your fears of escalation. However, Ukraine will be the first to make a play in this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/10/AR2008081000491.html
  11. check the recent TR under "North Cascades"
  12. It's good to be the King!
  13. could we use this to make kboner invisible?
  14. Why do you hate America? Because it produces morons like you kboner. Why do you hate CC.com? you're cc.com? what an ego!
  15. yes, there's a TR on the Georgian Kavkaz
  16. Why do you hate America? Because it produces morons like you kboner.
  17. You are correct dear sir. As Putin stated this very day, the blood is on our hands as we were teh one's who sold weapons to the Georgians... Wait. I seem to remember a list of people that Russia sold arms to. I think it was full of dictatorial regimes and terrorist front governments. If you are looking for pure evil, look at Putin. Bush is just a country bumkin fucking shit up. Putin is a real sadist; full of avarice and nationalist agenda. Putin only wants to reunite the brother nations of Russia and establish an inseparable bulwark against Western aggression...
  18. Remember, Scott, we're the "real" imperialists, and the "real" terrorists.
  19. Perhaps he's looking for some more good "Russian" men like Lavrentij Pavlovich or Iosif Vissarionovich?
  20. he's got an offer for Gruziya, that she can not refuse!
  21. I believe him. you believe Putin?
  22. this is perhaps the most damning critique of REI in this thread.
  23. c-Raafdzxns
  24. Actually, I am 100% certain the election WILL be rigged. Despite your nutty denials and blanket dismissal, we know that the last two were. Will manipulation of the vote change the outcome? I don't know.
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