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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. No it dont. the CC is a walk up..... yeah, ok, but she could look over the edge at climbers topping out.
  2. yep, I saw the notice yesterday. Looks like a few of us just slipped in to the area in the nick of time.
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    don't listen to her, Scott, she's just playing hard to get
  4. Yes, the Cascadian Couloir. Aasgard is a joyful walk in the park by comparison. cc don't lead to no pass though, so don't really count eh? what's a climbing conversation doing in spray?!? this is not climbing conversation. minx doesn't climb
  5. it gets you to where people climb (w/o climbing)... I dunno, maybe there is a pass up there that you could tag to make it "official" for your purposes. I'd have to look at a map
  6. Yes, the Cascadian Couloir. Aasgard is a joyful walk in the park by comparison.
  7. Gregoire looks like one of those lizard people from "V".
  8. she likes her dirty sanchez
  9. or standing to close to a Whisperlight an hour or two after consuming a 2-person Mountain House Chili Mac...
  10. lol Im 15 you hoochie Shouldn't you be seeking out hoochies, rather than turning them down? that's just another Dru avatar.
  11. Cool! Next time you see her, say hi for me, and ask her "how well do crampons work on rock". She'll fill you in.
  12. Well done, Lisa! You've sure been getting out! Is that the same Molly?
  13. Stalin was Georgian.
  14. How can you possibly argue that our war "didn't cause anything?" I agree that time will tell how it turns out, but there is no denying that WE CAUSED THIS PARTICULAR MESS. Man, you are dense.
  16. cervezas bibere! et vitae aquae!
  17. you should have come with us Sobo it was a good time!
  18. I think we did the latter. The group of three we met near the false summit said to stay right of the lower snowfield because we'd be closer to the Long's Pass junction at the bottom. We were in a narrow gully at one point - very rocky, but that's where we found water. Then it eventually led into trees for several hundreds of feet vertical descent.
  19. It was night. Who knows if I was on "the" trail. Sure, at the top, but below? Pics - not yet. My computer is fried - will not boot except in "safe mode". Can't upload photos. Yes, there is snow and water up on the approach to Ingalls in Headlight Basin.
  20. Different strokes for different folks.
  21. There's an oil pipeline through Georgia. I'm just sayin...
  22. The boots worked well. They were very nice to have coming down that piece of shit called the Cascadian Couloir.
  23. Well, I went technical rock scrambling. ;-) FWB is just a dude I know. No, it's not Beckey (his initials are the same).
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