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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Traffic on the I-90 yesterday. WTF? Learn to drive in snow, learn to use chains, or stay home.
  2. nah - as i recall classic vogon poetry causes advanced sedation and ultimatley spontaneous suicide - FW's prose just makes folks pissed off and crotchety libtards are by nature pissed-off and crotchety. j_b exemplifies this phenomenon.
  3. That stage would have worked well in "Triumph of the Will"
  4. What's your point?
  5. yeah, dig a pit for those buourgeois capitalist pigs, eh comrade?
  6. you stopped drinking at 4 pm sharp each Fri this is the consequence. ;-)
  7. No need for fear-mongering with the market continuing daily to slide in the shit-hole.
  8. If you are doing something a little harder, try top-roping it first, then pull the rope and lead it.
  9. who?
  10. any one where the cook does not prepare food with his left hand
  11. Indeed. Sounds like something straight out of Orwell.
  12. Really? So, what is Obamalama doing to fix *that* since it is clearly the underlying problem. Answer: absolutely nothing.
  13. Bend over and kiss your ass good bye.
  14. Where is Catbirdseat when you need him?
  15. Mountaineer's Dome is a great, super easy place to get "dialed in".
  16. Anyone been up there recently? I'm curious how the Ice Cliff Glacier and Triple Couloir routes are looking.
  17. Well JMO, although I think you're a breath of fresh air, plan on a bunch of nasty bitchy 5 year old imitators showing up with their little pissy foul mouths as if saying nasty things about you will win them an argument because they either have nothing else of substance, or or just too fucking stupid to be able to present it in a factual manner. Have a nice day:-) JMO: if you try hard enough, you'll get a couple of "cling-ons" - posters who follow you around and snipe at any opportunity. Unfortunately, no ammount of toilet paper seems to be adequate for separating them from you butt-hairs into the toilet.
  18. KaskadskyjKozak


    Who doesn't think that best part of waking up is Folger's in their cup????
  19. KaskadskyjKozak


    is that you on the left or in the middle?
  20. KaskadskyjKozak


    Limbaugh's rhetoric is eerily familiar... hmm, where did I hear shrill rhetoric attacking a newly elected president before? Where did I previously hear political opponents actively wishing the President - and America - to fail...
  21. So, get a life. There's nothing novel about a video of Diamond Dave circa 1988 climbing in Yosemite.
  22. That's exactly the type of vapid, content-less post I'd expect from you. Tell us again why you shouldn't have to pay off your student loans?
  23. Congress signed off on that spending and those tax cuts. Interestingly enough, Carter was actually a budget hawk, and his own party refused to go along with him, wanting the "pork" they needed to further empower themselves and buy votes from their constituents. This problem has only grown over the years.
  24. You're an idiot. The same thing? Socialism about confiscating property from the haves and transferring it to the "have-nots". No willing sacrifice takes place, and the result is a dependency on the government and a feeling of entitlement. World War II was about everyone making huge sacrifices to defend themselves from a threat to their very way of life. It was a feeling of interdepency and common goals. And there was no feeling of entitlement whatsoever. You can find similarilities in the Soviet Union where communism and the efforts in the "Great Patriotic War" are two entirely different things.
  25. I agree Bob. Here's a phrase you can use when some random Republican starts in on the "Tax and Spend Democrats". Ask "You mean like Clinton? The Dem who balanced the budget after the record deficits and runaway government spending he inherited from Reagan: who, by the way, was a BORROW AND SPEND style Republican like all of the Bushes and all of the repubs seem to be these days. " If most of us had a choice between a borrow and spend or a tax and spend politician, I'm sure most of us would choose the latter. I'm damn tired of Borrow and Spend politicians of any affiliation, but they seem to all be Republicans. Another simplistic analysis. Reagan's deficits were the result of compromise: he got what he wanted in terms of increased military spending and tax cuts, while the Democrat-controlled house and senate got their programs funded. Both side gave up something to the other at the expense of the American people - literally and figuratively. Flip the party affiliations around and you get the same thing with Clinton and the Republican-controlled house and senate. The Republicans forced fiscal conservatism on Clinton in exchange for concessions on their part. The Republicans then turned into spendthrift Democrats once they had both the legistlative and executive reigns, and now there are no fiscal conservatives. We have moved from a spendthrift Republican congress/president combination to an even more spendthrift Democrat congress/president combination. That's not good in any way or defensible by saying "but the other side...". That type of argument doesn't even work for 3rd graders on a playground, but it's all I can expect from cc.com libtards. You can do better than them, Bill.
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