it's hard to get excited over the issue when i've gotten the shits after drinking untreated water in the hills more often than after going to burger king
"26,000 cases for 100,000 inhabitants" per year is hardly inconsequential.
Anything more than 5 cases/100000/annum is enough for you to get your panties in a wad.
Your just always looking for the next topic to whine about and spew your self-righteous indignation. Get a life.
back to ad-hom square one with the swine.
Bullshit. All you do is post link after link about all the (in your mind) terrible injustices of our society then whine incessantly on each topic. It's a fact.
the only place i et tree chickens, in carolina, the wine options, if they existed at all, were generally restricted to "the kind that's warm" or "the kind that's in the fridge"
that's cos that's still stage 1 of civilization
Nature's free-range chicken!
squirrel meat
i never have understood the "free-range" description for chicken - motherfucker ends up on my plate, i'm pretty certain there was a fence somewhere in sight
douglass adams' 3 stages of civilization:
1st - survival stage - what should we eat?
2nd - philosophical stage - why do we eat?
3rd - fuckit lets enjoy life stage - where should we have lunch?
corollary to 3rd: what wine am I serving with my chicken?
Exactly. If REI doesn't want to accept liability they shouldn't sell shit under their brand.
Or they could look doubly douchey, like they do now
Does anyone know what if anything changed w/r/t to their relationship with Farily Bicycle Manufacturing, and how the latter manufactures/assures quality, since this problem occurred?
Yes, give the 30K and then if there is still a lawsuit for more, they would not look like such assholes even if they fought it. REI must give away 10K to the community/charities, etc, so I doubt such a sum would even be put a dent in anything.
I'm not following you. You're saying if they sell shit (that they didn't manufacture) they will face what all manufacturer's face in regards to liability. That sounds like a "yes" to my original question.
IANAL, but it seems to me that if REI does accept fault here they set a precedence to be at fault whenever any equipment sold at their store fails.
It's our fucked up legal system. If REI gave some money to the injured party (as they should of), then her lawyers would use that as tacit admission of full guilt. So REI lawyers dig in and REI acts like complete assholes.