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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Actually no, logic says the simplest explanation is the likely closest to the truth unless other evidence is laid out - or if you rather - the law of parismony, or an extrapolation upon Aristotle - if you want to get esoteric about it. Freshman logic class - really. Occam's Razor, baby
  2. says the "coward" who systematically resorts to ad-hom because his arguments suck your arguments swallow
  3. Camp Muir - depends on your fitness. Let' be conservative and say you are kind of slow - 5 hours up, 1 hour enjoying views and 3 hours down. That's 9 hours, you start at 5 am and you are down by 2 - so yes, you could easily drive to Portland.
  4. what would know about "pairs", having none yourself?
  5. This could be applied to - oh nevermind. Sometimes watching the random word generator wind itself up into a frenetic, incoherent, rabid lather and then blue screen is well worth watching for nothing more than sheer entertainment value.
  6. proof-positive he is as much of a kook as you and buckaroo!
  7. Possible but the Sunshine would be preferred then crossing the Elliot lower down. Of course then it is late afternoon and one has to deal with a fair number of cracks. That's what I meant - the Sunshine Route. :-) Descending the Hogs Back and traversing around to C Spur, or car-shuttling seems to be a slower/longer way to do it. I've never been on that side of the mountain, so I was just curious.
  8. What about just descending the Elliot?
  9. Douchebag wants to wallow in the mud Go eat a bag of bloody dicks.
  10. How many rope lengths is the steep part at the top with bad exposure? Just wondering if you could belay newbs from the top to get them reasonably out of the dangerous part?
  11. I have a bird for the bird wathchers to see. ;-)
  12. as if another vacuous ad-hom from the usual douchebag meant anything. Lick sack, Mr. Internet Kook.
  13. He's a got a huge hole in his forehead. Showing "a body" with no close up shot of the face is not any more convincing than showing nothing. Dumping him at sea is not an ideal Islamic burial - it minimally meets their standards, and gives us the benefit of no OBL pilgrimage shrine.
  14. An endorsement from boner... that's about all that needs to be said...
  15. The argument is that he was already dead. They have been keeping him alive since 2001 because he was their Emanuel Goldstien. I guess Obama thought he needed a bump since for the first time in his presidency his disapproval rating passed his approval. He did get about a 10 point bump, but it will be temporary because unemployment is still at 20%. Holy shit! And I thought J_B was a kook!
  16. The next big cuts in Washington => War on Terror. OK,it's a nice fantasy
  17. that photo is udderly weird.
  18. Because you need a bad guy to have a war. Yeah, we just made him up
  19. We'll never know now, will we???? The raid of his compound did yield a few gigabytes of data...
  20. You want to stand by that last assertion?
  21. No, but he was always more neocon fabrication and paranoid fantasy than anything else. The post-Cold War diversion through the Funhouse was great. It's over. Let's get back to solving real problems. Oh, that's right. Because he wasn't responsible for 9/11. That was an inside job. I keep forgetting that! Yeah and OBL was not a "real problem".
  22. Yes it does. The corollary of the constant rejection of belief in the dominant paradigm is that you are usually wrong. You are going to need to dumb-down that statement quite a bit in order for it to be even partially intelligible to boner.
  23. LOL! And for you the "right number" is more.
  24. hello hyperbole! 82 million native americans give me some of whatever shit he's smoking!
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