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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. any more recent beta?
  2. STFU, boner
  3. LOL, I'd leave it on for a bit man.....maybe double up on the thickness.....this shit might rub off joblo and get all over one of us....could go real bad. The chart was from 1976 and I wouldn't ever bet against Joseph. And it doesn't take much Googling to see that this set of myths around the Federal Reserve Bank is all over the place - as are myth-debunking sites that address this little gem. And yes there is little "anti-smiting" involved in the propagation of this myth but a lot of anti-semitism.
  4. that is THE POINT. No the point is on your hat!
  5. everyone put on your tin foil hat!
  6. Er hat ein krankes Gehirn.
  7. Ah, late to the party, but I want to point out the "lad" goes with the britticism "barking mad." Would it work better for you if I declare that you're a whole bag of nuts? I'm not sure about a whole bag of nuts, but he's definitely a few fries short of a happy meal...
  8. You are not God, so it doesn't matter if you are anti-smite.
  9. Especially when you can be as subjective as you wish doing the latter and cherry pick both your data set and your "conclusions"!
  10. they exist, and they cost 100 quadrillion dollars. The Rottenchild's worked with the Illuminati to secretly fund this program.
  11. right, you want to ignore data that invalidates your conclusions and focus only on those with which to foist your agenda on others.
  12. Trillion-dollar fighter jets!
  13. We should tell them that Mr. Weiner sent pics of his weener to their hottest women, causing them to run away from their smelly husbands. They can launch a thousand ships to invade us, which we can sink with our trillion dollar fighters.
  14. Smelly poos? BO? Body hair? All problems that j_bot is suffering from.
  15. Define a living wage - esp. one that can actually be supported by the economy. You can't.
  16. I'd consider it if you actually made an argument (one that justified a reply). In other words, "hand waving" only.
  17. What do you think flavors feta, eh?
  18. In the case of Greece 200 will suffice. We should do a remake movie of 300 as a documentary. LOLZ
  19. Define a "living wage", quantitatively for say, a family of 4 in the metro Seattle area in 2011 dollars. Then define how you would achieve such a wage for all while preserving a balanced budget and sound economy.
  20. Tax evasion or tax avoidance? They are two very different animals.
  21. Kind of like the Mariners.
  22. progressives have no sense of humor
  23. Try harder to be funny.
  24. You regressives are all alike with your absence of any sense of humor. Must be a genetic defect.
  25. still no response on topic from Attila. There is no such thing as "on topic" on a flame-forum of a climbing web site you pathetic brain-dead freak.
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