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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Our mutual friend Terry makes some at his workshop and sells them (I think really cheap, and he may give it to you for free). I have one and it is pretty nifty.
  2. Not a Hood regular in the least, but... with there being a ski resort with a run up to 8500 feet, and then some mellow terrain above that, where exactly does avy hazard typically kick in up there? I'd surmise it is around/above Crater rock, no? The last two times I was up there there was recent snow up to 8500 and then it got pretty icy above that for a bit - not sure if that is the usual pattern and it would be cool to hear what locals state as the norm up there at various elevations above the Palmer.
  3. my fingers are tweaked from pulling plastic last night. how is your plastic-pulling-tour going?
  4. No....nor impressed. I just was. Amazon has just notified me that I can advance purchase the new VH CD, 'boner. I sure hope it's good.
  5. I'll try harder next time, Minx.
  6. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK you've disappointed me on soooooo many levels Well, do we indeed need any more political threads here? Barry sucked! No, Newt blowz sheep - he'd be worse! Libtard! Conservatard! Best to let sleeping dogs lie. Besides, there's a "great" bolting thread going on now elsewhere on the board.
  7. Yes, indeed, Mix, you are disturbed.
  8. The larger looming question is how stupid will the American voter be in November. yeah, when they vote like you they are smart - otherwise they are dumb.
  9. "Moron Prince is getting all third person singular talking about his training video..." "Moron". Hmmm. Sounds like spray to me. The guy asked for info on soloing Rainier. You want a quality site here, right - that doesn't turn people off?
  10. Apoptic? Apoptosis? It's all Greek to me!
  11. Not for you... Umm, is this spray Feck and Choada?
  12. Indeed! Nastia has evolved from being a mere organelle into a major geographic feature! Pozdrovlyayu, devushka dorogaya!
  13. What is this fee? Is this something beyond the $43 climbing permit fee? If so, is it a deposit that you get back upon return?
  14. Well, none of them are gonna abolish the FDA, that's true.
  15. Chilled and soaked with sweat possibly, but "exhausted". I guess I'm not as old and out of shape as I have recently been thinking :-)
  16. Doug, I just wanted to congratulate you for having the lowest member number to post in the last 30 days. We truly have you by the balls. How the hell is his member number lower than *yours*????
  17. Hey, what is the name and rating for that (yellow/green/brown) colored waterfall to the side of Ingrid's Inspiration skiers right descending from he top of Armstrong chair lift? I always wondered if folks climb that and saw a party of two top-roping it yesterday.
  18. Newt is a nickname for "Newton". Geez, man.
  19. using stuff that other people pay for entirely without chipping in yourself is theft.
  20. Oh, I see. Did you guys have a contest for the best butt shot and Sobo won it? Something like that... but you weren't in it. Recount!
  21. Well, you did want to watch the Aurora Borealis
  22. Oh, thanks. I really needed to know that before I went to bed... Sweet dreams, Pavlik!
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