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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. And you were what... 15 when this happened? Time flies, gramps!! ;-)
  2. yeah but when puberty hits: boooooom, fatso like his old man. Fatso? wtf?
  3. I don't hate them, I just don't think they should be allowed to marry, or be mentioned in teh public schools. No special rights for those kinds of people. Its not special rights. Its equal rights. stay frosty!
  4. I don't hate them, I just don't think they should be allowed to marry, or be mentioned in teh public schools. No special rights for those kinds of people. Oooh, there is something delicious about the way you started that Off... not sure if you realize it!
  5. haven't they suffered enough?
  6. Are you playing "Ice Cream Man", by any chance? ;-)
  7. If true, why did you and other so-called "fiscal conservatives" argue for attacking Iraq, and defended intervention for years after that? Don't you remember that left wingers were telling you in 2003 that cost estimates for the war were grossly understated? Why did you, as late as 2010, argue for continuing to give tax breaks to the wealthy? You're making stuff up again.
  8. did I understand the TR correctly? 100 feet of runout at the beginning of the first pitch?
  9. On the lake? Cuz I want a nice view 'n stuff. No, but if you have 3.2 million, you can have a McMansion on a lake.
  10. You can buy a really nice 2000+ foot, 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home in a Seattle suburb for $700K 3+ million for a f-ing toilet? Really? And you blame the "invisible hand" of capitalism?
  11. Cueing the "yeah but Bush spent xxxx billions on yyy" response in 3...2...1
  12. "Our species is too fucking stupid to survive"
  13. I agree.....too bad we have not had one of those in a while. Yeah, that's what happens when less than 50% of voters actually bother showing up and voting. What a bunch of little bitches. Actually it was 56.8% in 2008 - the highest in 40 years. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0781453.html
  14. "Stay Frosty" is pretty cool
  15. Not impressed with this one on first listen. :-/
  16. Rubio. Who is Barry going to take? The stuttering old coot again?
  17. Not working too well is it, kev? 9-10% unemployment despite massive spending by Barry. BTW, your guy, Ron Paul, would slash way more of the Federal gov't and the "jobs" you are claiming are created by said entity. Make up your mind - are you pro Ron Paul, or pro big-gov't. Geez. I am neither. I am just a troll...... At last, honesty! I pre-ordered that CD. If it sucks, I'll blame *you*. ;-)
  18. Not working too well is it, kev? 9-10% unemployment despite massive spending by Barry. BTW, your guy, Ron Paul, would slash way more of the Federal gov't and the "jobs" you are claiming are created by said entity. Make up your mind - are you pro Ron Paul, or pro big-gov't. Geez.
  19. Wrong. And I've said it before here many times. Bush spent too much - most (fiscal) conservatives agree and never liked it. That 3.5 billion can be spent better elsewhere, add up a few billion here and there across a few hundred ill-conceived, wasteful budget line items and you could save several hundred billions a year. That and stop proposing huge, new big government social engineering projects. And forget about a moon base or trips to Mars as well.
  20. even *less* than Newt? for shame! Pretending that people who work for a living should compare their donations with that of plutocrats is beyond stupid. Time for you to get out of the sand box! All members of the Mormon church tithe - including the majority of them who "work for a living", many of whom make less than you. Many Evangelicals that you despise do likewise. And don't call me "stupid" - remember, behave!
  21. "An internal error occurred"
  22. even *less* than Newt? for shame!
  23. Define "fair" share - quantitatively.
  24. and your charitable contributions? Mitt or Newt level?
  25. Go Ron Paul!
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