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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. Skeezix

    end of an ERROR

    Fat Teddy reveals himself to be Martlet by his pattern of reply coupled with taunt. Do we really need to listen to this insulting spew? I, for one, am going to ignore FT starting now. Anyone care to join me?
  2. The story on the link describes a photo from 1993 showing Kerry -as part of a delegation of US Vietnam War Veterans- meeting Vietnamese officials. The war was long over, and the purpose of the meeting was one of healing. Hardly aiding and abetting! Nice try at mudslinging ...but you right-wingers are getting desperate as Bush squanders Republican's chance to retain the oval office.
  3. Skeezix

    end of an ERROR

    I agree with much of what Blake says here. Kerry volunteered, however, and asked to serve in Vietnam. Then he served bravely as a combat commander ...and heroically saved the lives of men serving under him. You can't take that away from him.
  4. The Courage of Lassie w/ Elizabeth Taylor. Lassie chased
  5. Skeezix

    Ronald Reagan

    Reagan ran up the deficit. He sat back while the USSR self-destructed. His presidency barely survived Iran-Contra. Like Shrub, Reagan swam in the intellectual shallow end --Nothing but air between his ears. But I don't celebrate his death.
  6. Yes. Kenneth Rexroth, author of An Autobiographical Novel. Excerpts regarding Rexroth's time in the North Cascades are available online.
  7. That guy's pranks are hilarious. OMFG!
  8. You could go in Big Beaver. Perfect Pass is my favorite way in. Gets you up high away from the bugs quickly.
  9. Skeezix


    Do not read: River Horse by William Least Heat Moon "We motored in the rain all day. Tied up the boat and went into town to drink beer."
  10. I had a friendly redneck dumbass neighbor. He brought home a little mini-backhoe from work to do some landscaping off the alley. I watched him swing the bucket around and smash the tailgate of his brand new pickup by accident. He was a friendly moron. Drove a logging truck.
  11. One word: Cruise Control. Slow down. Conserve gas. Spend the money on climbing gear.
  12. The Quinault Indians by Ronald L. Olson ...just finished The Unschooled Mind by Howard Gardner ...currently reading The Okinawa Diet Plan by Willcox, Willcox, and Suzuki ...next up Favorites: The Dharma Bums -Kerouac The Back Country -Snyder This Boy's Life -Wolfe Into the Wild -Krakauer Poets on the Peaks -Suiter Tangible Visions: NW Coast Indian Shamanism and Its Art -Wardwell
  13. I...wish...I'd...never...opened...this...thread!
  14. My weapon of choice for home protection is a 12"-long piece of rubber-coated electical cable that I found in the Skagit River while fishing near Damnation Creek. It's about 1-1/2" thick and heavy. Fits nicely in my hand. If somebody comes in my house threatening my family, I'm going to whomp them upside they pointy haid. --But if my 3 year old or six year old sons get a hold of it, they won't shoot one another accidently.
  15. My weapon of choice for home protection is a 12"-long piece of rubber-coated electical cable that I found in the Skagit River while fishing near Damnation Creek. It's about 1-1/2" thick and heavy. Fit's nicely in my hand. If somebody comes in my house threatening my family, I'm going to whomp them upside they pointy haid. --But if my 3 year old or six year old sons get a hold of it, they won't shoot one another accidently.
  16. Skeezix

    Peeve thread

    Private property in the Icicle.
  17. OK. I'm convinced. I'm going to get a gun. And a pair of camo cargo pants. And a monster truck. And vote for Bush. And support NASCAR in Marysville. And snap into a Slim Jim. Cowboy Up, everybody!
  18. Well, if my fly rod or guitar (hobbies) fall into the wrong hands, deaths will not likely result (although if I'm having a bad casting day on the river, I could take someone's eye out --most likely my own). The politics of handguns in this country comes from the statistic of unnecessary handgun-related deaths, and the struggle between advocates of tighter gun control and the NRA. I agree with those that argue that guns too often fall into the wrong hands.
  19. Good points. I apologize for calling Scott Harpell an idiot (I already PM'd him to that effect). I think I poorly communicated my position. I'm not a gun hater. I was a gunner in the army. I trained with m16, .50cal, TOW, 81mm mortar, carried a .45, etc...like everybody else in the infantry. When I said "I don't need a gun," I meant that I'm not afraid of big predators in the woods, and I'm going to avoid Rainier Ave. S. at 2am. Being a "tough guy" is not important to me. I believe it would be an over-generalization to call EVERY gun owner a survivalist wierdo, but I can't relate to gun fanciers and that whole camo-wearing gun show-attending scene. As far as the initial post about the guy that shot the guy with the dogs ...I think there was probably a better way to handle that situation that wouldn't have resulted in loss of life.
  20. OK. So Gotterdamerung carries several guns when he's working in Iraq. Scott Harpell carries a gun due to the high likelihood that he is going to be the victim of one of the frequent cougar attacks. And I don't need a gun --Not because I'm a tough guy, although I'm tough enough I suppose, but because: 1. I'm not really worried that cougars or bears are going to attack me. 2. I have been threatened by dogs, but have always been able to respond to the threat without needing a gun. 3. I avoid situations and people involving guns because I've seen too many freakin' wierdo survivalist gun nuts. I'll pass on the gun-toter fly fishing trip, Scott. I'm afraid one of you crazy fokkers will shoot a hole in my float tube.(Besides, I don't have a Canadian fishing license...)
  21. Some nice comments about Dave's life and service to the climbing community have been made here. Might be a good idea to forward some of these validations of his contribution to climbing on cards to the family as consolation.
  22. Skeezix


    If the shoe don't fit, don't climb the fence.
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