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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Kitergal

    Bush on TV

    why would that be me vs. I??
  2. it's "taking a breather"!! WTF! I'm too late!!! "Welcome, frustrated would-be planet surfer. We appreciate your interest in accessing 3D geospatial information, but due to the technical limitations of this beta launch, Google Earth has been forced to take a brief breather. Please check back with us soon. Thanks, The Google Earth Team"
  3. That sounds really good! I may have to switch from my normal salad for a day. But I'm also to considering the Indian Buffet. The Chicken Tikka Masala with Naan is MMMMMMMMMMmmmm at Maharasha(sp?) where is this at?? Yumm Indian Buffets are good....There's a place in Bellevue that does DINNER Buffets..YUMM!!
  4. Taco Del Mar!!! YUMMMMMMMMMMM
  5. Breez...did you take that photo of the ocean?? That is GORGEOUS!! you should sell that to a post-card/calendar campaign or something!!
  6. if your looking at getting a bike...I can give you a name and number of a dood who's making me a custom mt. bike for less than what a new bike would cost. Painting it pink and everything for me. It's probably worth over 2K and I'm getting it for less than half of that, completely custom built to my needs, my uses, and my size! PM me if you want his info.
  7. Freedom of the hills is often referred to as "the bible" if that gives ya any idea of the content! Its a great book..covers EVERYTHING!! not a good read..but a GREAT reference! If you read it straight through...I'd have to say you're a little different...
  8. Kitergal


    no seriously..they freeze...then they defrost and swim like nothing happened! pretty cool.
  9. Kitergal


    Goldfish do that too!! We put goldfish in our pond, to help keep the icky green stuff from growing, and to give my cats something to play with....well they freeze every winter and come back to life every spring.
  10. well....I just got the call from the surgeon. Scoots is awake. She not only tore her CCL (pretty much the same thing as a human's ACL) but she also tore her meniscus, so they removed that. I get to pick her up tomorrow.
  11. I just spit beer through my nose.....an estate of 50K. sweetheart...what is your home worth? I think pretty much anyone who owns a home...will have an estate of 50k. Yes...a home..is part of your estate. 50k is barely a shack!
  12. Kitergal

    Sign Language

    What Dru...after 25,000 posts you're getting confused??
  13. This is my favorite. Wow! Fido's a crossover now. This should be in all the photography magazines. "Dan H, pioneer speed climbing photographer". COCK A DOODLE DOO!!!!!!!!!!!, Danny Boy! hmm cock a doodle doo?? Are you sure? In college I thought it was any cock will doo??
  14. spam..I'm afraid for once I'm going to have to step in here and not be my fun loving party going self. The American health care system is rated 8th in the world. I LOVE it when bush goes around touting our greatness. Washington State has a decent system thanks to the creation of the Community Health Clinics pretty much anyone can get their very basic health care needs met. In my opinion, and I live, and breath the Health Care World every day and get paid for it, and am continually studying other countries systems and other solutions, and alternatives for ours (I do get paid for do'in something)...I KNOW we have all the right pieces to the puzzle. I know we do. But they just can't seem to work out right...it's like they can't fit together like they should. Why? Where does one start? unfortunately there are problems in every single step of our system. From every angle, every piece of the system and there is no single solution. A complete revamp...re-organizing the entire process, break it down and rebuild it from ground up...that would be great...but not something this president is brave enough to take on. Well..wait..why would he...he keeps bragging about our system and how it's best in the world...ha..ohh to be as naive as he.
  15. Wow..I gotta say I never really thought this much about this topic since I was in 7th grade and had a crush on a dude that I passed between 3rd and 4th period!! K. so maybe I'm the freak...I always make eye contact, always smile, and usually do the "hey" "whats up" "how ya do'in" kinda conversation....
  16. Depends...are they hot? If they are attractive I flip my hair, stick out my chest, and play with my necklace. If not hot...then I look straigh ahead like I don't see them, and then smile kindly as they pass.
  17. Kitergal

    raceist jokes

    no!! I seriously was!! I tried to teach them.....I also felt bad for my pony, who was stuck in his little pony pasture..so I let it out in the big pasture with the big horsies...yeah...it over-ate and died. OMG..I can't believe I'm confessing my deepest darkest secrets to you guys!! YIKES
  18. wow..and they are BRAVE!! posting ones work e-mail and all!! I've climbed for two years in Jersey (NJRG) but took the last six months off due to shoulder surgery. Now need a new partner for some city climbing. Weekdays afterwork - anydays but Fridays. I was climbing 5.9s and bouldering V3s. Now I expect to be somewhat behind that but to return (and pass it) over a relatively short time. I'm 29 year old professional female - happy to climb with men or women. Reply to post or email me at leah.m.samit@irscounsel.treas.gov
  19. Kitergal

    raceist jokes

    I tried to teach a litter of kittens how to swim in the pond on my parents property!! ohh...man was my mom pissed at me! her and dad and my older sister ran out and rescued them. yup...I was a bratty kid..
  20. wow..they're requesting drinking and climbing buddies...and even more specifically climbing partners in their late 20's!! Sounds like my kind of site!!
  21. dood what's wrong with the set-ups you get through Yahoo, or others? You pay like x amount (super cheap) a month and you get their page building program et all. I'm the most un-tech friendly person there is...yet I was able to make (still working on) a website?!?!!!
  22. more muscular topless men photos!! ohh wait...we're not in spray...nevermind...I'll let you guys answer this one!
  23. I'm out, but would be game for a reschedule in July!! (9-10) or (23-24)
  24. wow. That is freak'in amazing. I'm selling my property and moving to Canada. I can't believe how F**KED up this is!!
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