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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Arch or someone should definately write a letter. Not to refute this moron, but to help educate the rest of the Seattle PI's readership. Then, we should all stock the moron!!
  2. Sorry Guys...here's the update THE POSTING I JUST SENT YOU A FEW MINUTES AGO NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED. THE CORRECTED VERSION IS BELOW THE MESSAGE I JUST RECEIVED FROM JIM BACKUS ..................... Hi Helen, Wanted to let you know that Tuesday, July 19 in the evening would be great for a service at the Tacoma clubhouse (Multicare will be holding a service earlier in the day at 4:00 p.m. so we can come straight from there to the clubhouse). We'll be holding a service at 3:00 p.m. this Saturday at Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church in Tacoma. Could you pass along that info to anyone you think might be interested? We'd like to suggest donations be made in Jo's name to the Tacoma Mountaineers, Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church and Mary Bridge Children's Hospital/Tacoma General Lactation Clinic.
  3. The Memorials for victims of the July 10 accident on Sharkfin Tower are: Seattle Clubhouse, 300 Third Avenue W, July 14, 7 p.m. This is a pot luck, bring food, photos, memories. Tacoma Clubhouse, 2302 N 30th St, July 18, 7 p.m. This is a reception type event, bring platters of “finger food” goodies. We’ll serve beverages to go with. Bring photos. A church service for Jo Backus is at St Andrew’s Episcopal Church 7410 S 12thSt, Tacoma, July 16. The time is not confirmed at this moment. Memorial Contributions should be marked for Jo’s project HARK (hikes for at-risk kids), a program of incredible significance in Tacoma-Pierce County. We are in the process of making it a tax-deductible foundation which may be capable of funding a part-time staff to continue the much-needed, excellent work Jo started. Contributions can be marked clearly for that purpose, mailed to The Mountaineers, Tacoma Branch, 2302 N 30th, Tacoma WA 98403 The Tacoma clubhouse has been rented for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, to three different important events. So, much to our regret, the shrine to the memory of Jo Backus may be moved during those rental times.
  4. actually I can honestly say neither of these dates where cc.comers....
  5. That's a no brainer!! Doesn't everyone do that??
  6. TLG- I could keep going....I'm not sure if I find them...or they find me. I think I'm going to write a book one of these days!! It's all VERY entertaining!
  7. Definately open the door for her!! The car door deal..you just need to open it, no need to wait around and close it. I've always closed my own door. It's the opening process that leaves the impression. And I didn't inturrupt and say I wanted the pasta because I was in shock!! Like deer in the headlights shock over the deal! Have another one: So This guy has me come over to his house because he's "an awesome cook". Well I show up and his place is AMAZING. Dude is just loaded and is totally metro-sexual so everything is just too perfect. I get to the kitchen and it's pretty obvious that he's been working pretty hard on his masterpiece of a meal. Which looked incredible!! Well as we're sitting down to eat dinner, just as he's placing the food on the white table cloth, on the table that's on the white carpet....the phone rings. He doesn't answer it because as he said "it would be rude" He never answers the phone during dinner. He pours me a glass of red wine, and I take a sip. The answering machine kicks in...it's an old school answering machine, the type that broadcasts the messages for all the world to hear. The message went something like this "Hey big daddy, it Jennifer from Verizon. Your new headset is in, and umm, well I get off work at 10pm so I figured I could drop it off at your place. I don't have to work until noon tomorrow so there's no need for us to fall asleep early, unlike yesterday." I proceed to spit up the red wine, all over his white carpet, white table cloth, and when I get up to leave knock over the rest of the bottle. BASTARD!! why go to all that work on trying to impress someone....when you're already hooked up with for the night!! He then had enough nerve to call me while I was driving home and state "Wow, You can certainly tell your Italian. Nice temper".
  8. Kitergal


    Yup! I'm in!
  9. Wow, I knew and climbed with those guys. Actually I climbed Sharkfin with Mark last year. This is really bad news. I'm with you rockgirl, everytime you hear stories like this, it makes you stop and think twice about why we're all pulled to the hills.
  10. Good Job!! I was watching the weather and thinking of you!! I'm glad you made it! I'll join ya next time you go! It's about time I get my butt in shape!! Congrats ya stud!!
  11. Kitergal


    Espirita CONGRATULATIONS!! Good job girlfriend! I'm totally impressed, and totally sold on doing this next year! YEAH FOR YOU!!
  12. you guys kill me!!
  13. Maybe I am talking about sailing...hmmmmmm
  14. Quit it!! BE NICE! The only thing I could show you with ropes, that you don't know....would be for other purposes than climbing.
  15. Gawd Mike, these images are amazing!! Thanks for sharing!
  16. hey that's an ALAW climb for clean air training hike huh!?!
  17. hey mikey..your back! so, umm..I wore one of your shirts again out last friday...two seperate bars, two different guys bought me a drink...your shirts are the bomb man! Excellent ice breaker!!
  18. k. so I'll have to head home first, and take care of my pup...sooo If I show up at 7ish..will ya'all still be climbing...or drinking by then??
  19. awesome! good to know!
  20. don't forget..you could always use my dood! he'll custom make what-ever you want!! Did ya ever e-mail him?
  21. Awesome TR!! Love the baby pics!! Gosh they're cute!!
  22. your gonna come play too right TLG??
  23. How 'bout it girls?? I'll be there Tuesday?? what about you all?
  24. why does this only have one star?? I mean..c'mon..it's 7 pages long...shouldn't this thread at least be a two or three star'er??
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