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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. some day you need take a camera and do a photo route tour. Jeesh.....TR with no pics. I don't believe you did it. I need evidence
  2. lookie Old thread
  3. Cool thanks for the 411. 4th 10a boulder move. Super fun.
  4. Pitch 1 5.8. After the last bolt on the travers on the second pitch what do you guys do for gear into the butthole? or do just clip the bolt and then place a cam in the crack on top of the butthole?
  5. Your wife must be something else to put up with the likes of you Great story, the two guys at beacon I saw should have had cell phone for the same reason. It was nice to meet you at Beacon. will
  6. FYI there is a reason they call it camp hazard.
  7. I started it, but that is cause I did the same thing with my friends who started climbing not too long ago. Gave out my extra axes and crampons. Sorry to say that I am fresh out. Give me a couple of years I will have some more Have several old ropes but I would never give those out to anybody, that would be bad form.
  8. WTF....Can I get some tax advice from them. I plan on importing young childeren to sell to hollywood celebs so they can skip that whole adoption thing
  9. I can agree with mark but if you really want to make a difference some one with extra gear would get that boy a proper set of crampons or boots. The other stuff like eat and drinking while you are hiking he seems to have figured out.
  10. That is a good one, I am going to use it in the future.
  11. Check these guys out. Beyond Clothing Granted you have to order them but and that takes some time but the pants I got from them are the BOMB. They are my fall, winter, early spring pants. I got an older version of the Cold Play pant. Full side zips and what not. Last year I only wished for tights under them one day and that day was windy cold. Oh and they are the ONLY company I can get pants that fit. What only short people do outdoor activities?
  12. Yes you do but your back will be much happier. I end up just being bent over for the entire pitch. I use to use my autolock on everything, but lately I have been using it only on harder routes where the climber will be moving much slower.
  13. Go get a auto block and forget about it if you are bring up second. If belaying leader use it in ATC mode. If I was leading or following I would rather you use an ATC. It is good to know those friction knots but I have been lucky enough not to need them (fingers crossed and knocking on wood).
  14. damn wish I saw this earlier. damn, damn, damnnnnnn, daaaaaammmmmnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You find anybody?
  15. Last time I purchased a parking pass for smith was at GI Joes. Now that they are gone where can I go in bend or redmond to get an annual or 2 year parking pass for smith? yes I now you can get them at the park but I don't want to have to wait for the old people to get there as I tend to start early. Want to start saturday at 8 am and climb till late. Freddie's?
  16. It would work but you would be bending over a lot. Just belay off your harness and redirect through directional.
  17. You could not get back your draws? The second had to go up the rope but could not take the draws? No fifi or no ascenders? Wondering cause I am planning on doing that route this weekend and I am the "more experienced" one:) Doubt that they will be there, but if they are I will get them back to you.
  18. Mnthippy. Sounds like we have the same foot. I have the megarides and they are narrow. After a couple of years I also decided that I need a wider forefoot. This is second hand but I understand that the BD boots might work for you. I have not tried them on as I have a tough time justifying the cost of another pair of AT boots. Thank goodness that the Megarides are nearing the end of thier life span I will be interested in what you end up with.
  19. Dang it I had my camera and everything to take some pictures. Next time I will post some
  20. First of all climb more. When I was strong at the overhangs I was at PRG at least 3 days a week and I bike an hour to get there. I had bad form but I was strong. Being fluid helps and I found that spending some time in the bouldering room helped alot on my movement i.e. keeping the mid section up not down. If you have been going to PRG for a while I would hit up the hang board as well. Don't do alot, maybe once a week.
  21. Thanks for the info. I will go and pick up the book.
  22. The Mazama guide a new book out? All I have for the area is this link Winthrop Mountain Sport Looking to head up to that area next weekend.
  23. nice work guys!!!
  24. I agree with the ranger. Don't look for him next time. If he had done all that hiking this summer that did not need rescue he should know better. I call BS on his "hiking."
  25. like it...lol.
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