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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. Some one must have won the lotto
  2. I progagated the shizznit out of that sucka
  3. That slide was skier started by me. I was dropping that sick line and the slope spider-wed around me. At that point I did a switch landing on top of a slab and rode that sucker switch to the bottom. It was so CORE dude.
  4. Well if your handle is anywhere close to reality (boy or girl) I am sure you are hired. baa ::
  5. I want pictures darn it Need something to get me through the day
  6. Since this is in spary. Bump cause Roy Snyder is gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.
  7. Geo-tectonically speaking, California would drift south and Washington would drift north if Oregon didn't suck so bad. And you're right in the middle of suckola You suck worse than your avatar photograph. I hope you get goat inflicted sex herpes WOW, got issues?
  8. nice thanks for the stoke!
  9. Billbob, great pic. Money shot! Wish I was headed up there this weekend with it looking like that. Looks like ski drop off summit would be good.
  10. There is snow. Follow the cattle path.
  11. Can non-mounties take the class. I really would like to learn how to car camp. Do I need a special vehicle? What should I use for a bed? Will there be bugs?
  12. Drive east my man. Montana.
  13. :lmao: :lmao: Beaconers are a bunch of tards......not that don't know any of them or climb there Beacon freeeeeeeeedooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm FYI Columbia Gorge is all oregon. We just loan part of it to WA to make them feel better about themselves.
  14. I bet they did not open it for a couple of days. WOW.
  15. Going to head up and grid bolt that sucker
  16. that is not safe
  17. Crazy it does not work in Canada since it is basically part of the USA
  18. was up there on sat as well. Much later. Suprised to see not tracks up the old chute but happy there were none. If I had a buddie up there I "might have risked it." But I was solo. However I ran into two guys that seemed hell bent on getting to the top. Very late in the day, they were slow, and the avi. Gave my thougths on it and got the heck out of there. A PMR guy was not too far behind them. Hope he talked them out of it. Oh by the way, the turns were great from Hogs down to the car.
  19. two 60's are needed if fixing the first three pitches.
  20. I would love to see a TR on it as well.
  21. Wouldn't that be called a homemade chest harness? Billie on the spot...lol
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