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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. So you would rather some other team from the east go to the championships? It would have been nice for Oregon to go. If OSU was in the same situation it would have been nice for them to go. PAC-10 was getting some respect...FINALLY. Now not so much. Ya THANKS SCREWYOUFORD.
  2. second the BCA stash packs. Have had one for several years and I love it. Only froze on me once and that was on a long fast snowmobile ride and it was freaking cold (hard to have body heat going that fast). Wish my larger pack had the shoulder insulation.
  3. Learning...that is what you call it If I had extra $$$ sitting around I would be pulling out a split for the pow-pow days. Way better!!! I have seen those guys in slowshoes lugging up thier board on deep days and NOOOO thanks. Split the only way to go, or better yet AT.
  4. LOL...that be about right.
  5. Again don't know Ritville. But I have seen the same think at Justinp. Basically till some one calls. Left my car in Hood River for 4 days.
  6. Yo Plaidman. Nice work. I have been thinking about doing the same after what seems an endless run of failed attemps to get partners up there.
  7. glad I got that link to the 333 skis. Those look interesting.
  8. Yes they could call in the loans but really they can't do that. That would tank them as well as us. What is saving the USA is the fact that we are the worlds reserve currency. But due the poor dollar calls for a basket of currency are getting louder and louder. Face it. USA as number #1 is not going to last long.
  9. we tried put off recession for so long by keeping intrest rates low creating "easy" money. well guess what that "easy" money was not so easy. With that easy money we decided we wanted to become a society that produces services not actual products. If we did not have that easy money this recession might not have happened and we would have more of the tools to get us out.
  10. he is just a troll talking out his ass. He talks about products make in china an the low wages. Where does Fuckmart get all its shit????? Low wages in USA....fuckmart....thank you.
  11. agree rumr. Basically they have use by the tour...if you know what I mean.
  12. I just try and keep up with you Kev
  13. Glad everybody :kisss: and 8D the universe is all good now. Hay wait a sec.
  14. Mine goes, "Sometimes I climb hard, but then I THINK and it goes away." tru dat, tru dat.....
  15. you would travel all the way there cause Tahoe kicks anything in OR and I bet most of WA. Not only is the snow usually better access is better. It also helps to have a free place to stay
  16. I use to try and do all the vo's and v1's back to back. The only break being getting to the next climb. Then climb the vo's up and down. After you do the vo's get on the v1's. Watch other people do the routes you are having trouble on. Find a route to project.
  17. The hardest 5.8 anywhere? Riiiight. Let me guess, the opening moves on Nine Gallon makes it the hardest 5.9 anywhere, right? A grade is a grade is a grade.... Fuck off you jackass The new Kev and Joseph couple :kisss:
  18. which one did you get? I would like to head about what you think after a trip.
  19. true dat, or you could go to a hard boot set up. Climbing in AT boots kick butt!!!
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