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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. ashw_justin

    Lightest rope?

    I had one of those, then I tried to rap with it...
  2. ashw_justin

    Lightest rope?

    Oh you must be referring to the 6 mil rap line?
  3. Yeah sorry I was just being a jackass.
  4. Not sure the power of a few great climbers is gonna get you up to 8K. Several hundred-thousand dollars, 20 porters, and oxygen, on the other hand...
  5. You're right about all of the posers coming out of the woodwork. All of a sudden this week there's double the amount of brightly-colored midlife-crises on the roads. Shouldn't you be doing the STP or something? lol But bikes belong on the road. I'd rather see a biker holding up traffic, than the same fatass in an SUV jawing away into the celly. It's not the bicyclists' fault for taking up the road, it's the city's fault for lack of planning to accomodate non-automotive travel. Put in a frickin bike lane for Christ's sake. The floating bridge has one... Now I don't go looking for busy constricted roads and bridges to ride my bike on... but some bicyclists are just dumb. Just like some drivers are dumb.
  6. 24.3 (0.7 points from "overweight") Stupid Psuedoscience...
  7. Oh alright. Sweaty guy in the shoes that go click-clack is, hmmm, let's see... Luarent. No wait... Santiago...
  8. I think I talked to one of them last time. Name wasn't forthcoming, maybe I was too sweaty and aggro-biker looking.
  9. Where did that come from? Hey so, can I come over to your house and "train?"
  10. Post deleted by ashw_justin
  11. ashw_justin


    Word No, wait, carbs are evil!!
  12. What?! It's nothing compared to dirtbiking. Far as I'm concerned, it's human-powered so it can't be all that bad. Unless you're doing shuttles to avoid all of the uphill. Then you're just a pussy. Now that shit they do up at Whistler with the chairlifts...
  13. ashw_justin


    What about Big Oil's conspiratorial shutdown of the nuclear energy program? Huh? What about that?! Bush doesn't even pronounce it correctly. DO YOU THINK THAT IS AN ACCIDENT? Oh, but it's so hard to clean up all this waste! Hmm if we only had an unlimited energy source to use for processing it... but where would we get that? What a "conundrum."
  14. Oh man that is a total drag. Was your name on it? Someone will find it...
  15. 40 miles eh? Not too bad! I only did about 30 but it's a cool loop with some mild hills. Man, it was hot today. Hits you right as you get off the bike.
  16. Went on a road ride today, got two flats, couple of cramps, but a good pump all in all...
  17. I'm thinking maybe Voeckler should have attacked today...
  18. Yeah I have a pair like that. I take them off at belays too. But I have to admit that mine are a half-size too small...
  19. Eh... half-size too small?
  20. shitkickin' plastic snowboard boots The Old Skewl Black Prophet 30m 8 mil glacier rope .75 Camalot (my first and only cam) 1 lb Magnesium Carbonate (bought from a pottery supply for $4)
  21. He was saying put mountain-style clipless pedals on your road bike. The shoes won't go -click-clack- like mine when you walk. What's the BGT? Did you see any guys in Lycra and seizure-inducing racing jerseys?
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