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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. thats optimistic.
  2. poor kids. on my next summit climb i'll think of you.
  3. snowcap
  4. Went to a party I danced all night I drank 16 beers And I started up a fight
  5. cool Jedi Mind Trick belay. i use that technique all the time.
  6. cook, are you sure this isn't gyneslinck vomiting blood down the last pitch.
  7. GAWD ZILLA!!!!
  8. Thats generous cook. I'll donate $5 to the cause for one of those PBRs. no licking or suckling required.
  9. that pretty much puts it over the top for me. i'm going to go ahead with the pectoral implants with sattelite radio and cellphone options.
  10. olyclimber


  11. Spoken like a true liberal. Go ahead, sweep the real issues under the carpet...no ones looking!
  12. Madlibs!
  13. Well, its obvious to me and everyone here that you and your liberal jackboot wearing "comrades" are out to legislate my God given freedoms away. Can you say "food lines"? Can you say "government mandated nap time"? I thought you could.
  14. have you ever had the chuckles before? there is no known cure.
  15. Pedestrian???!!! I'm trying hard not to laugh! Your ineloquent banter from the peanut gallery is merely a political sideshow to the real issue. Stop grandstanding, gladhanding, and kissing babies and address the question!
  16. The Linkmaster. Linkerino! Linkerama. The Linkinator. Gonna start linking.
  17. link This refutes any false conception that these talks are bilateral.
  18. You didn't even read what I wrote, did you? Typical liberal sheep, walking lockstep with communist doctrine.
  19. link
  20. pundants agree that it is not I that sucks, but it is you that blows.
  21. thats what I thought. The rules take all the fun out of it.
  22. Its a been a while, so I thought I'd start a political thread. Here is a headline: Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged I want to see rational arguments, pro and con. Here are the rules: 1. No name calling 2. Treat others as you'd like to be treated yourself. 3. Try to draw on your actual life experience to relate to the issue 4. Actually think about the topic before responding 5. No "talking points" allowed in the discussion.
  23. laugh if you want, but black holes are serious business.
  24. As I recall, there was some fine red wine at the rope up as well...Rossi if I remember right. Someday you'll have to come back to visit Ken, and we'll show you a time you won't remember.
  25. I hear that the Mounties, Boeing Alps Club, and the Mazamas are all headed down there this weekend.
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