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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. ya, but the shark can't see it because the bear's invisible. and besides, the grizzly bear would boil the ocean and kill the shark before he could use the laser. see?.....gotcha!
  2. ya, but the grizzly might have a +4 cloak of invisiblity and a F14 tomcat.
  3. He also thought a shark could beat a grizzly. Just stupid!
  4. Jon, Alpinfox and I had a debate last night over which has the greater athletes ....big time wrestlers or professional cyclists. He thinks that stuff is real!
  5. WHO LET THE DOGS OUT??!!! W00T! W00T! W00T! W00T!
  6. I hear you brother. LINK Fox, your hate is just misdirected love. Face it, you dream of yourself in neon spandex winning the Giro, Tour, and the Veulta all in one year.
  7. this cat is the hero for the peoples. and somebody hook up with MisterE! share the ride and listen to W! Conserve!
  8. Live it, sucker! You're played out.
  9. I'm going to catch hell for saying this, but I love you guys for who you are.
  10. The Skoog family is a legendary to me. My condolences to the Lowell and the whole family.
  11. Here's a little trick I learned when I was working on the super secret spy monitoring facility that is 300 yards directly below the North Pole: Preheat your thermos before you pour your coffee/tea/etc in it by pouring boiling water into the thermos and letting it sit there for a while. Then, pour it out and pour in the hot liquid of your choice. It will keep hotter for longer. When you use this method, all I ask is that you think of me when you're enjoying your hot beveridge. Thanks, and have great day. Olyclimber.
  12. but then there are those nasty paper cuts...
  13. These are the loneliest icetools in the world. Somebody buy them and take them to the prom! I'm sure they'll put out for you. All the other icetools for sale are getting asked out
  14. looks like they have all the essentials there, but I don't see the meth pipe.
  15. Gary, if you go, let me know. I can't pubclub tonight (I have to take Ulee to the climbing gym, as he is training for the second ascent, first full ascent, and first machete-less ascent of Mox) as I'll have a minor with me, but I could stop by and drop off that power cable.
  16. olyclimber

    iPod Nano

    And somebody is sensitive to others feelings. A touching moment.
  17. barefoot freesolo, no less.
  18. my son sent this route in 3.567 seconds flat. I have GPS records to prove it.
  19. olyclimber

    Guess who?

    I've read a post in threaded mode *way* faster than that.
  20. In fact, all three of your desired improvements will be in place when we go to the new board.
  21. Though there is a lot of excitement in this thread, sales are down. We've got to move product. Minx, for $175 you can buy one of my Snowcaps, and I'll throw in a set of icetools for free!
  22. boobies.
  23. olyclimber

    iPod Nano

    Hey Commander, do you like Laibach?
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