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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I nominate MisterMo as our spokesmodel for this effort.
  2. Will I really need to wear a paper bag over my head in order to attend?
  3. Perhaps it we try to present more of an image that says "alpine hardman climber training for the big mountain send" and stay away from the "smelly long-haired burglar hippy boulderer" image we can get it reopened and the law repealed. Everyone knows that alpine climbers have a much better rep.
  4. ah yes...the "find fred" pic. good times. anyone who flips me off this year will face my wrath as I will abuse my administrative priviledges to destroy your little world.
  5. That look was so 05. This year I'm going as a boulderer, and I'm not going to wear a shirt and will be covered in chalk.
  6. there is no way I'd go there unless I can touch and caress it.
  7. what bumpersticker is on your truck, archenemy?
  8. Who can print up some T-shirts that say "What do you post as?" on the front? They'd be great cragwear as well...
  9. I hope she is coming to the Sausagefest. We could use a little estrogen there.
  10. I have noticed an increase in estrogen in your posts John! Sort of rounds you out as a human being. Indy Gangsta Folk is blowing up huge in 06, btw.
  11. maybe she turned red because that was a good part of her own diet.
  12. olyclimber

    crag Beer

    I actually have imported beer from WA when going down to Utah for extended trips. Got to have that 5+ content, or it just isn't real beer.
  13. I believe what Dave is talking about is the De-stray America Project. Saving abandoned puppies and what not and converting them into solid fuels.
  14. You really should be donating that biner to the cc.com museum! .....oh yah, I forgot....Dru is the cc.com museum.
  15. Whats wrong? Are you afraid of the Stoke Machine? To everyone I owe money to: I'll bring my checkbook.
  16. Fire up the Stoke Machine!
  17. Dave bring your headlight tomorrow, we'll have a shine off. I will crush!
  18. we'll be there with score cards to let you know how you're doing
  19. Have you ever epic'ed on a single pitch route? Try doing that with your Spot.
  20. Don't forget the petzl euro style. I've since moved up to the 20 pounders, but I still haven't done any pushups. The MYO XP fit right in my pocket this past weekend, with a barely noticable bulge. Think about durability! I don't want to see you making the wrong decision here. edit...ok so you already bought one. well, fine, you're carrying the rack next time, since your pack will wiegh nothing.
  21. Wow...awesome pictures! thanks
  22. Dave, Petzl is just a cooler brand name. It totally has Euro written all over it. You know all the cool people have the MYO XP. The Spot looks like essentially the same headlamp, but instead by BD. MYO XP specs: Alkaline:.......... Boost: (65m range) for up to 20 seconds before reverting to previous setting High: (45m range) 70h Medium: (35m range) 90h Low: (20m range) 170h Powered by 3 x AA/MN1500 batteries (included) Weight without batteries: 100g Weight with batteries: 175g Spot Specs: weight w/o batteries 50 g wieght with batteries 85 g 4 IPX takes: 3 AAA 3 SuperBright LEDs 65 hours 15 m 1 HyperBright LED 20 hours 40 m so...on paper the MYO XP has better performance...but if you're asking yourself WWCD (What Would Colin Do), then maybe you'd want to shave those 90gs from your pack and go with the Spot. I bet it is not as durable as the MYO XP. I hope you appreciate the amount of research I had to do here. BTW...how much can you bench?
  23. olyclimber

    crag Beer

  24. olyclimber

    Poo Thread

    This isn't boring enough. Please research all the prior poo threads and do an analysis. Then build a matrix that references all the prior poo threads and rates them of established criteria. Put all this information into a powerpoint presentation that is boiled down to the level so that executive management can read and understand it. Be sure there are lots of charts with the arrows pointed upward and of course include lots of classic MS Office clipart.
  25. Great to have you back Sam!
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